Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Busted Pipe Chronicles Day 35: Scheduling Posts Is Harder Than I Thought

I, like many Texans, had their pipes burst and home flooded with water. Here is my story.

By the time you read this, I will have a week's worth of posts scheduled and ready to go. I'm still living out of a hotel so I do it just in case I go without internet access for a while. But as I crank out these blogs, I'm realizing I can't be up to date if I'm scheduling out posts that far. Sure I could just guess what could happen in the future but it will probably come out wrong.

I also could talk about the current event but in a week it would be old news, like that hockey referee who was fired for saying on a hot mic that he wanted to call a penalty on Nashville (They won 2-0 BTW). He was gonna retire after the season anyway so it doesn't really matter. But it's funny seeing the NHL and other dipshits puffing out their chests talking about protecting the integrity of the game and spewing out other haughty bullshit. Referees calling make up calls (and star calls) is something thats existed since the beginning of professional sports. Anyone who feels different is either extremely naïve or a lying motherfucker. It sucks for him but he "exposed the business" so I'm not surprised they're scapegoating him to make themselves look good while looking away as star players get calls scrubs don't. Which is true for all sports.

See, that rant will be outdated by the time this blog is posted so let's end this before I go on another tangent about a topic that will be old news in 7 days.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 36: Getting Back On Twitter in The Busted Pipe Chronicles.

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