Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Busted Pipe Chronicles Day 27: Just Vaccinate Everyone Already

I, like many Texans, had their pipes burst and home flooded with water. Here is my story.

Florida opened up for Spring Break and the media threw a fit over it. They called it a super spreader event. They bitched about college students not wearing masks. They were horrified about them not socially distancing. They treated it like they were witnessing a beheading video.

But to be honest, this wouldn't be a problem if every adult was eligible for the vaccine from the beginning. It's just stupid to only vaccinate old people, medical workers and school employees while telling everyone else to fuck off when they're out in public just as much as those being vaccinated. The media keeps complaining about how Blacks and Hispanics aren't being vaccinated as much as Whites. Well, excluding those groups just because they mostly work low paying, manual labor, and service jobs sure as hell doesn't help either. This dumbass country loves creating idiotic rules, then complain about all the problems those rules caused and blame it on something else instead of the rules they created that fucked everything up! GODDAMMIT!.

**LATE BREAKING NEWS** Texas will vaccinate all adults starting Monday!

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 28: They Gave Up On The Elevator in The Busted Pipe Chronicles.

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