Monday, March 15, 2021

The Busted Pipe Chronicles Day 19: I Understand Road Rage Now

I, like many Texans, had their pipes burst and home flooded with water. Here is my story.

A month ago, I didn't drive on highways that much and rarely drove at night. 98% of my driving was in the morning around my neighborhood with me getting back at around 1 PM. Back then, I thought people who took part in road rage were crazy or had anger issues. Like, why would getting cutoff in traffic or getting stuck behind a slow car cause you to flip off the other driver or try to wreck him? That's just ridiculous! Then my pipe busted and flooded my apartment causing me to live out of a hotel in a bad neighborhood. After spending nearly a month driving up and down these highways, I see what pushes people into road rage incidents.

I'm usually a calm guy but these fucking drivers make me want to run them off the road and piss on their flaming car. Of course, I not actually gonna do it because I don't want to fuck up my car doing a pit maneuver on the asshole who brake checked me on the freeway. While I will eventually take out all my pent up anger on the drivers in GTA V, I now understand why traffic drama would trigger people enough to take such reckless actions against those who wronged them. Attempted murder charges be damned, they're hitting that hammer wielding guy

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 20: Naked And Afraid Uncensored Is A Lie in The Busted Pipe Chronicles.

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