Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The Busted Pipe Chronicles Day 8: Fuck This Elevator!

I, like many Texans, had their pipes burst and home flooded with water. Here is my story.

I had my fair share of gripes this past week from paying extra for candy to a boring breakfast. But nothing sticks in my craw like a broken elevator. It's one thing if the stairs is next to slow moving elevators. I can get a quick exercise in by running up a couple flights instead of waiting awhile for the elevator to show up. But if the stairs is on the other end of the hallway while one of the elevators is broken then FUCK THIS ELEVATOR!!!

I've been in this hotel for about four days and one of the elevators been broken that many times. I'm not saying broken as in out of order sign. I'm saying the door gets stuck every time it closes. On four separate occasions, it gets stuck and wont close at all. I have to push the up button to call the other elevator just so I can get down to the first floor. And it's not like I can just take the stairs at this hotel. They put alarms on them because they're only for fire escapes so I'm forced to deal with this busted ass elevator. Like goddamn, they cant put some WD-40 on this shit?

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 9: Channel Surfing in The Busted Pipe Chronicles.

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