Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Busted Pipe Chronicles Day 34: Looking Back At My Old Posts

I, like many Texans, had their pipes burst and home flooded with water. Here is my story.

For someone who's been blogging everyday, I sure do little to no promotion of it. I post on Reddit and that's it. I haven't been on Twitter since I got flooded out so no links posted there. I haven't posted anything on Instagram even though I had that account for over a year. Mainly it's because I can't post from my computer and my tablet doesn't have enough memory to download it. So with all this self sabotaging, I'm lucky to even get 10 views on my posts. As for my more successful posts, unsurprisingly they're from the Worldstar Lunch Break iCandy series. Eight of them hit triple digit views while another two are over 90. I would do a Top Ten list but like I said, only eight posts hit triple digits out of nearly 150 so I have no business trying to brag about anything. So instead, let's just get some cheap self referrals on my most viewed posts!

WorldStar Lunch Break iCandy: Brianna Frost

Posted 2/19/20   316 Views 

This was my first Worldstar iCandy review video. I thought of the idea after watching a uncut Worldstar video that took me to their old models page. So after I ended that actress profile series after two women, I was like "Fuck It", I do this instead. I ran into problems early because Worldstar ran on Adobe Flash back then (who didn't?). Problem with that is Flash is dead now so I had to download the flash file, then download VLC, which suppose to play all kinds of media files, and play the video through that app. It was a pain in the ass but it was worth it.

Another thing that was a pain in the ass was looking up Brianna's history without catching a virus. I wouldn't be able to get even half of her information without the Internet Archive because her website ran on Flash and she appeared on numerous dead websites. I was gonna post to match their release dates but that wasn't gonna work out well so I released them daily. 

Posted 2/27/20   558 Views

I saved some information so I could use it for her second video. I also brought up the rivalry she had with fellow stripteaser Keyra Augustina. A year later and my ruling on this beef between them still stands. Brianna is still active while Keyra is out of the spotlight so advantage Brianna.

Posted 2/28/20    113 Views

I'm kicking myself for not saving these videos of her showing her pussy and tits. I spent alot of time on Google and Bing trying to find these old videos making sure it's actually her and not some other Latina only for them to get deleted and lost to history. Damn this fear of viruses!

Posted 3/5/20   375 Views

Cubana was Worldstar's first official model and she made multiple videos throughout the years for them. She also appeared in multiple magazines and websites and I tried my best to find them all and post the links in the blogs. Man, with all this work I'm putting in I should get paid for this. But again, this self sabotaging mentality keeps this blog from growing bigger so eh.

Posted 3/9/20   259 Views

Whenever I get around to finishing this iCandy series (HA!), it will be my own fault for why the profiles are incomplete. The now unavailable videos you see mainly come from PornHub who purged all the unverified accounts because a guy accused them of hosting and promoting child porn (WAIT WHAT?!?!). So whatever videos that were on there that I could've used in future profiles of these women are gone forever and I have no way of getting them back. Shit.  

Posted 3/18/20   129 Views

Foxy Sasha on the other hand had her videos deleted from XVideos. It's like someone alerted her that her stuff was on a porn site and she DMCAed them.

Posted 3/19/20   146 Views

I noted how many links I had to put down because she was everywhere back in 2008. If I had unlimited income I would spend money on those old Shainit videos to complete my profile of her. But since I'm not Elon Musk or EDP, FUCK THAT!

Posted 3/25/20   717 Views

And the post that got the most views is this Cubana Lust video with Ms. Boricua. People was probably expecting them to get naked in the shower...they did not. We haven't heard from Cubana lately but after Boricua retired to go home and become a family woman, she got back in the game and launched a OnlyFans page. Since I'm not paying for that, I don't know if she's nude or not since celebrities are on there posting Instagram type content there.

So there you go, over a year later and I have 8 posts that hit triple digits. Take that as you will.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 35: Scheduling Posts Is Harder Than I Thought in The Busted Pipe Chronicles.

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