Sunday, March 14, 2021

The Busted Pipe Chronicles Day 18: Top Ten Things That Pissed Me Off While Driving These Past Few Weeks

I, like many Texans, had their pipes burst and home flooded with water. Here is my story.

I learned a lot about myself while driving around this area these past few weeks. Mainly, I learned the things that absolutely PISSES me off while driving. So here's the Top Ten Things That Pissed Me Off While Driving These Past Few Weeks:

10. Night Driving

I hate driving at night in general but these past weeks of driving around unfamiliar territory going the wrong way on a highway or getting on a street that takes you directly to the airport without giving you a chance to turn off was unbearable! While I was driving around like a chicken with it's head cut off, I thought, "Why the hell are street signs not illuminated?". During daytime, you can see the street sign at the traffic light from the back of the line. But at night, you're shit out of luck if you want to find out what street you're crossing before you actually get there.

9. Construction Zones

I understand how important it is to upkeep these roads but damn it's annoying to drive through one. From a simple patch job to rebuilding a bridge, if you come across a construction zone, you're gonna be in for a bad time.

8. Ragly Roads

Construction zones are a necessary evil to fix all the ragly roads throughout the city. It may be annoying to go through a single file makeshift lane on a busy street but it's better than fucking up your car driving over potholes, uneven pavement, cracked roads and lose rock chunks. 

7. School Zones

The concept of school zones doesn't piss me off, it's the placement of them and how drivers react to them. They either try to rush you or drive insanely slow through them. And school zones can't just be on a flat road, oh no no no! They gotta be in blind corners, at the foot of a big hill, or in the middle of a 45 mph speed limit street.

6. Blind Corners

Speaking of blind corners, FUCK THEM!!! You're on a 50 mph frontage road going around a corner and you have to slam on the brakes to avoid plowing into the line of cars at the light. Or you're at a red light and it turns green. You pull off but a car zooms in front of you nearly causing a collision. You didn't see or hear the car because of all the trees in the way blocking your view of the other cars in the intersection. Just yesterday, I nearly saw four wrecks at three different blind corners so there's no telling how many wrecks actually happen there in a year!

5. Narrow Roads

Why is it that some of the busiest routes have the narrowest roads? People park on both sides of the street making it hard to get past without hitting the damn cars. Like, can't these people park in their driveway in the back? And if it's a main street, you're gonna be in line for 10 minutes before you get to the light.

4. Train Crossings

This is a recent thing that pissed me off. I had to take a detour due to road work and it led me to a train crossing in process. Where I'm from, we have light rail. A train with two, three cars passes by and we're on our way in about two minutes. This was a actual train so it went on forever. Five minutes in I said "Fuck It" and put it in park as I wait along with the other cars. Of course there's that one asshole who blew his horn because he was mad I didn't move up and block the intersection. So he went in the right lane and blocked the intersection himself with his big ass truck. After about 20 minutes the last car past and we were free to go from this hellhole. The line back probably stretched back to the previous light for as long as we were in that parking lot.

3. Traffic Jams

Speaking of parking lots, highways become literal parking lots on weekdays and caravans on weekends. Highways are full of slow drivers, aggressive drivers, non-signalers, brake checkers and other assholes too numerous to list here. 

2. People Who Blow Their Horn For BS Reasons

Pretty self explanatory here. If you are the kind of person who blows their horn when someone doesn't block the intersection, doesn't nearly touch bumpers with the car ahead because you changed lanes late, won't speed through a school zone, won't speed up through rainy/snowy conditions, cautiously goes through a blind corner, etc then fuck you.  

1. People Who Don't Signal

In sports, they say keep your head on a swivel and the same can be said while driving as well. It's bad enough when someone doesn't signal and cuts you off or suddenly stops and turns off onto a side street or business while you're going 40 mph. Then there's people who do this shit on the highway when you're going 70 mph. These people are just asking for a collision and as reckless as they are not letting divers around them know they're changing lanes, they probably think they can get a injury settlement out of it.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 19: I Understand Road Rage Now in The Busted Pipe Chronicles.

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