Wednesday, August 31, 2022

That Was A Long Month. Anime Month 2022 Review

It's finally over! I'm finally done posting porn games for August. It's not like I hated doing this, but man it became a drain to play the game, edit the recording, then make up a blogpost of it with screenshots of varying quality to breakup the paragraphs. In all, I blogged about 10 games for 29 days with half of them getting repeated plays out of me. Because why not? Here's my Top 10 Favorite Porn Games From Anime Month 2022. (I didn't like all these Nutaku games.)

10. Sweet State

Fuck this game! I suffered so much through this boring ass hourlong tutorial, it made me hate Leisure Suit Larry and I don't even know the guy! But if this game was inspired by Larry, fuck him too! I just couldn't stand the terrible artwork, the annoying sound effects and awful plot, UGH!

9. Comix Harem

And while I'm at it, fuck this game too! The protagonist looks like a douche, the plot is stupid and the fake superheroes annoyed the hell out of me. And don't get me started on that little ass play screen I had to deal with. This game was not meant for mobile whatsoever. Holy Shit it's bad!

8. Pornstar Harem

This game had the same problem as Comix Harem when it comes to the play screen and energy draining so quickly. Since it's actual pornstars, I didn't hate it but fuck that game's interface.

7. Kamihime PROJECT R

I thought I was gonna keep playing this game but my screen recorder kept crashing so I only blogged about it once. It's a shame because the screenshots are clear, the harem scenes were fully animated and I believe it was uncensored. That couldn't be said for the other Japanese games I played. It probably would've been like Artwhirl where the fighting is second to the story.

6. Harem Heroes

This was the only Harem game I liked. The plot was fun, the characters didn't annoy me and my energy didn't drain out so quick. Of course, it could've turned into a slog the further I went into the game and the play screen is still godawful but at least I didn't hate it like Comix Harem. I'm meh to the Pornstar version. Mainly because I didn't know who the hell those women are.

5. Artwhirl-Maidens of the Magic Academy-R

I was tempted to place Artwhirl behind Harem Heroes but a slightly better play screen saved their ass. I say slightly because it doesn't really fit my screen. The other landscape games snap into place while in fullscreen, but I can still scroll up and down here so some of the game elements are hidden. I don't know why that is. Maybe my screen is too small? Who the hell knows. What I do know is that they're full of shit when they claim those students are over 18.

4. Fake Lay

I enjoy this game and even though the affection meter have gotten grindy and the skills bar takes days to fill, there's other things I can do to keep playing this everyday. Like making Sanshi the most popular camgirl in the universe! I'm also doing the Halloween special event (odd timing), BJ Challenges and filming pornos with Cherry, Lola, Sanshi and Ice. They keep telling me to reset my game to go faster by 411% but I rather keep my progress because I don't want to do all that recruiting shit all over again if I can avoid it by spending diamonds.

3. Billionaire

Is there a plot to this game? Yeah, 2 women from business school rescued me from working in a convenience store and appointed me the CEO of the company. I got to bang them along with my secretary and continue to invest, buy up companies and do random mini games. I later found out that this company belonged to Sato's dad and the reason she suddenly left school is so she could take over after her dad became a disgrace. Well, she can't do it alone so she found me and made me the chairman so other companies won't try to buy us out. There probably is a progressing story but I'm busy giving a car to my 6th beauty, winning boss fights against delivery guys, worshiping angels and upgrading a baseball playing girl's stats for negotiations.

2. Casting Agent

This is a better version of Fake Lay with better looking artwork and you can jump around instead of follow a linear path when talking to women. The dialog is so interesting, I almost want to intentionally mess up so I can read all the dialog options. If only it was fully animated.

1. Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena

There's no bonus in this list. I will get to that later. This is a pretty fucked up game where nearly all the women that I unlocked harem scenes for had a bad ending that involves all sorts of terrible things happing to them. Except for Cerastes. She enjoyed herself. Having said that, I can't stop playing it! I fell for the login bonus and gacha trap of constantly playing so I can upgrade my characters and unlock new ones. At least I'm not using real money cause fuck that!

Which brings me to the games that I didn't get to do playthroughs for which inspired this event. Lewd League Soccer and Amorous. I stated before that the screen recorder kept crashing in LLS while my computer kept running hot and shutting down when playing Amorous. So I will show the only things I could record before my technology crapped out on me.

Here is all the player cards from LLS. There are 60 players in all but you can only have 50 cards at a time. I spent so much time grinding to unlock the later players but it was worth it. I wanted to show the pictures from all the captains but instead I only showed the ones from my team. Also, I noticed the roster portraits for both Melody and Gabriela are different from when you click on their picture. I guess the developers forgot to remove the early designs for them. There's probably more hidden, but I can't get to them because of these fucking BRRES files! BTW, Heloisa is the best player. You're damn near guaranteed to score with her from any distance.

And here is the sex scenes with 30/30 and the Amorous cast. It was helpful that you can preview sex scenes in the character creator since my computer refused to run this game past that point. It's one thing for the game to crash. It's another for the computer to shit itself and shutdown out of shame of running a furry porn game. But at least I didn't have to add generic music this time.

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