Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Leg Cramps Are No Joke. Billionaire Playthrough Pt 3

We're coming down the homestretch of Anime Month and THANK GOD because I'm running out of things to say about these games. I haven't been consistent with these posts so the sooner I get to the end of month review the better. As for this game, I keep pressing buttons since it seems to be working. If only it was this easy to make money in real life.

I made 5.1 BILLION while I was away for a day. That's some impressive passive income!

My screen recorder keeps crashing in the middle of games so I don't notice it until much later. So I put 3 clips together in this video and show most of my harem scene with Asuka who gets leg cramps in doggystyle. Poor girl. At least banging her senpai makes her feel better.

I forgot I fucked her on my first day on the job.

I also unlocked that mysterious blonde who watched me drive off with Asuka and Sato.

So it wasn't a trap after all.

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