Wednesday, August 10, 2022

I Gonna Make These Women Famous! Casting Agent Playthrough

Casting Agent is a casual dating sim clicker like Fake Lay where you talk up women, give them gifts, get them horny and learn a skill of their choosing in order for them to work with you. Fake Lay is more Americanized with the art, full animation, videos and character models while Casting Agent is more Anime inspired with pictures representing the videos you took of them. Also you can choose where you want to broadcast your porn and jump to different areas to cast more women instead of following a linear path from taxi to casting room to whatever in Fake Lay.

I don't know about you. But when I think of Orient, I don't think of Northern Africa.

When I start the game, I'm greeted by my production assistant/tutorial girl Tori. She tells me that my responses matter because I could piss them off and they will refuse to talk to me for awhile. I don't know why the song kicks in after 15 seconds. Maybe I messed up on the video editing.

I was just thinking how ridiculous Tori would look if she's doing all these poses while talking to me in a restaurant in real life. People watching her while in line would be thinking WTF is wrong with her?

My first potential star is Amy who hates working at "FBC" and wants to make some money for a new car. After charming and putting ice on her nipples, she starts off by giving me a panty shot of her ass. I talked to her some more and she mentioned that she wanted to open up her own porn studio. That way, whenever she falls out of popularity, she can still make money as a studio owner. I praise her for being business savvy and she shows me her big tits.

So Amy is brushing her teeth in the middle of her shift? Must be a slow day.

The next day, she was in a bad mood from arguing with her stepmom. She thinks Amy doesn't value money while Amy made no secret that she wants to be a pornstar just to fuck with them. She will eventually have to move out so this budding porn career will be the catalyst to that goal. That's when Tori chimes in that she found more potential stars here in this burger joint but I can't talk to more than 3 women at a time. But for every 10 videos I shoot, I can choose a new location to shoot. Also, I will have to max out a woman before I can speed up time.

Who the hell tries to recruit pornstars in a police station?

My last conversation of the tutorial is with Naomie who is proud she never sold a painting. She's rude at first but she warms up to me after confirming I'm a casting agent. She posed nude before for a friend's class so she wanted to show me that her breasts are "works of art". Unfortunately, I find out how stingy this game is as I don't have enough employees to promote her and do post production. I also don't have diamonds and only got $60 in my account. 10 days in this month and I have 1 more game to play before I go back to my favorites of this series.

The buttons on her blouse are hanging on for dear life.

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