Friday, August 5, 2022

How Old Are These Magic Girls Again? Artwhirl-Maidens of the Magic Academy-R Playthrough

Time to get my weeb on with these magic girls! They recommended that I switch to landscape mode. It probably would've been in fullscreen if I downloaded it but at least I can actually see what I'm doing unlike with Comix Harem and Sweet State. Now that I think about it, the screen recorder probably would've crashed alot sooner like it did with Lewd League Soccer if it was in fullscreen landscape mode. I thought it would record it sideways but instead the screen turned to portrait mode. This isn't a idea viewing experience but it's not like you're gonna see the whole 25 minutes of gameplay anyway. I have to trim 10 minutes off just so I can upload it to the blog.

This is the gameplay of this visual novel. You're not missing much.

The game gave me a warning that if I play it for too long with the sound on, it might mess up my phone. Thanks for the heads up!, I'll make sure to leave the volume off! They was also kind enough to remind me before starting the game that even though most of them look like 12 year olds, they're totally over 18. It's another one of those she looks like she goes to elementary school but "sHe'S rEaLlY a 5,000 YeAr OlD aLiEn So It'S lEgAl To JaCkOfF tO hEr!"

If you have to tell people that the underage looking characters in your porn game is not underage, you're full of shit.

So with the disclaimers out the way, let's get to the tutorial. Maho is telling her students about The Great Demon War where about 100 years ago, demons invaded their land. Then 4 years ago, a legendary hero emerged and spent the year singlehandedly taking out the demons one by one until finally slaying the Demon King and ending the war. Well, not only will this hero arrive to the school to start his first day as a professor, the hero is me! I wasn't too thrilled about being a professor since I actually sucked at controlling magic and was just winging it as a way to increase my power and swordsmanship. I was having a internal monologue while sleeping on the bench in the garden like your typical anime protagonist when Maho woke me up.

I can see 2 big reasons why his "sleepiness disappeared in an instant".

She's my childhood friend who learned magic from my mom and sister. Since we're so close, she constantly teases me by calling me "Boy", much to my chagrin.

Childhood Tits McGee friend treats you like a kid in a anime. I know where this is going.

Since my mom recommended I go to this school despite it being all female (how convenient), there was no getting out of it. As Maho showed me around the school introducing me to Professor Claudia and students, Professor Gina jumped out of nowhere in the air towards me with her magic fists. I dodged her attack and she crashed into the ground. Like your typical hotheaded anime character, this "woman" challenged me to a fight, which I declined.

She's totally over 18 you guys. Trust me.

She followed me around all day until she got tired and I finally got some alone time with Maho. We was beating around the bush for like 4 minutes over how we really felt about each other. She wanted to sleep in the same bed with me like when we were younger. I was monologuing over how a man and a woman can sleep in the same bed without it turning awkward. She gets closer rubbing her big boobs on me. I freak out. She confesses that she wanted me to touch her for the longest time and since I'm back in town, now I can. So we finally had sex.

I'm not thrilled with the censorship but considering much of the cast looks like they drink out of juice boxes, this is the least of my concerns. At least Maho's big boobs fall to the side like natural ones and the scene is in motion. 

Shortly after, the screen recorder crashed. I didn't notice until halfway through the next chapter where the students are introduced. They wasn't impressed by my wooden sword and lack of mastery of magic. I was hailed as this folk hero but with all my faults they think I'm a shmuck. Then I call it a day since I went about a half hour playing with questionably aged girls women.

Claudia is the only other person I met who looks like she's old enough to vote.

I didn't even get into the gameplay because there isn't really any to speak of. There's a crafting and upgrading system to improve your character's stats and weapons so she will fare better in wave battles but the battles are automated so you can sit back and watch the fights. The fact that you can fast forward matches up to 10x speed tells me the combat aspect of the game is not a priority compared to the outfits you can dress your characters in and the porn parts. I didn't get annoyed playing it but goddamn Japan, stop sexualizing little girl bodies!

I don't know about you but I like my waifus to look like they have a driver's license.

BTW, I figured out how to crop the video and zoom in on the screen so it won't be that fuzzy. Also I had to fast forward those final 8 minutes just so the file wouldn't be too large to upload. 

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