Sunday, August 7, 2022

I Got The Magic Stick. Kamihime PROJECT R Playthrough

It's back with the magic girls in Kamihime PROJECT R but this time it's a fantasy land RPG where I am the Chosen One to have the MacGuffin that will save the world from destruction! I start my journey waking up with a mini computer in my pocket that my friend Alyssa wants to sell.

It's a auspicious move for a money-hungry girl to give out login bonuses. 

Suddenly, a Kamihime named Nike spawns in front of us pleading not to sell it. As they tussle, a Eidolon named Diabolos suddenly appeared and attacks us with her monsters to test out if I'm worthy of being Successor. This triggered my Device and Lancelot was summoned to defend us.

Where is your nose?

Together, we defeated the monsters and Diabolos finally acknowledges me as the Successor.

Acknowledge Me

Then more trouble shows up as two guys attacked us trying to capture Diabolos and my Device. We dispatched them and Lancelot went back into the Device. This was quite a busy couple of minutes but it's only a precursor to what's to come as the newly appointed Successor.

Well stop being a bum ass bitch who trips and falls and GIT GUD!

We decided it would be best to stick together so we spent the night at a village on our way to Diabolos' place. While Alyssa was exhausted from getting her ass kicked, Nike comes into my room talking about how bad she feels about being too weak to protect us since her mission is to protect the Successor. And as Successor, I'm able to power up other's magic abilities. How do I do that? Why sex of course! It's Comix Harem all over again but this time with fully animated sex scenes with original characters instead of cheap knockoffs of established characters.

Fun fact: Nike is a Greek goddess that represents victory.

The next day, Alyssa asked "What are Kamihime"? Since Nike was sleepwalking, Diabolos answered that they are powerful magical beings that don't age and maintain the peace among their realm. So the reason why Nike is here, I have a Device and all the other shit that's been happening to us lately is because "the world is in peril". Those words woke up Nike and she revealed that her and the other Kamihime are gonna assist me in saving the world from catastrophe. With that cleared up, we see smoke from Diabolos' village so we run there to end the tutorial. The game and screen recorder crashed after this so I have no idea what to expect next. I wasn't really paying attention to the game mechanics since I don't really care about RPGs. It probably won't be difficult since it's a porn game but I will find out if I come back to it.

Whether you played this game or not, you probably have questions after watching the video.

Why does it looks like it's fast forwarded?
Originally the video was 24 minutes so I set it to 2x speed hoping that I could upload it as a 12 minute video. As you can see, that did not happen.

OK, so what's with the pornsite buttons on the top and bottom of the video?
Since YouTube doesn't allow sexual content even if it's in a video game, I uploaded the video to my old Erome account. Problem is, you can't embed videos with them so I embedded a video player and added the link to my Erome video. It's not idea but it got the job done.

Wait, I played this game before. Wasn't there a prologue with what's her face and the same two guys who later attacked you and your party?
Yes there was! The game told me that harem scenes are in landscape mode so I should turn off auto rotate on my phone. That ended up fucking up my phone and the scene looked like this.

This is a rape scene BTW.

As soon as I got past that part I turned auto rotate back on and had no problems.

Last question, what's with the background music?
As I mentioned before, the screen recorder captures game audio AND everything the phone microphone picks up. So I cover the barking dogs, honking cars, etc with generic music.

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