Monday, August 8, 2022

I'm Given A New Lease On Life! Billionaire Playthrough


I'm a down on my luck Japanese guy living in a tiny apartment barely scrapping by with loans hanging over my head. I was head of class in business school so I started my own company. When that failed, I interviewed for multiple job openings but since I didn't have work experience, I was rejected and was forced to work in a convenience store. I got to work today thinking it was another day of serving elderly people and housewives. Instead, two Tits McGees from my old school Sato and Asuka showed up wanting me to work for them after their executive resigned.


They was shocked that someone who had such a promising future would be working a entry level job like this. I explained to them that life doesn't always goes as planned but Sato was having none of it. She needed a new executive and she needs one NOW! So I quit my job, hopped in their car and headed off to the heart of Tokyo. But a mysterious woman watched us drive off talking about how I took the bait. I knew this was too good to be true!

This loan shark must have a gun in her hair or cleavage to be dressed like this in this part of town. 

We arrived to Sato's office building where I'm greeted by Cindy. She's my personal assistant/tutorial guide. I'll be honest. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. I was just pushing buttons, collecting awards and taking over businesses left and right. I took a break from the Tony Khan Simulator to have a chat with Asuka. She was nervous at first but she confessed that she had a crush on me in college. But she couldn't muster up the courage because I seemed so far out of her league. Now that I'm working in the same building as her, we can be together! So naturally we boned right there. And again. Then I massaged her leg cramps away.

The added sweat detail puts this game's harem scene over Kamihime and Artwhirl. There's still censorship though.

After that, I went right back to spending money like a mad man. I see why my last business failed. I have no self control and will collect assets like a hoarder even if it's not profitable.

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