Saturday, August 13, 2022

Gina Broke My Sword...munch munch... Artwhirl-Maidens of the Magic Academy-R Playthrough Pt 2

I didn't have to fast forward the video this time since the section lasted 14 minutes. But man, the battles looks like it's in slow motion in normal speed. Anyways, the next morning I have breakfast with Claudia where she states that men don't attend their school because wizards are weaker when it comes to magic than witches. But since I was trained by my mom, the legendary Wandering Witch, I'm able to focus all my magic on powerful attacks. Since it's either all out or not at all with me, I would've killed Gina if I did get into a fight with her.

Sounds like I need to learn how to use magic without killing everybody in my area.

That's when Gina chimes in that the reason why the Council of Wisemen ordered Artwhirl to accept me is because I'm a dangerous person who needs to be put in check now that the war is over. Having said that, she's interested in what tools I used to defeat the demons. So I tossed my Holy Amazing Sword to her. She was far more intimidated by my wooden sword than the students in the last video that's for sure. She wave it around a bit then tapped the blade which broke it in half. Since I can just buy another sword, I let her keep my broken one.

The sword isn't that cool if you can just buy another one at a nearby town.

Later that day, the students in Maho's class was bored out of their minds by my boastful stories. I wasn't really teaching them anything, just rehashing the same stories they heard before. During combat lessons, I just stood on the sidelines since I don't know how to use my powers without blowing everyone up. Seles is envious that she isn't able to control her magic like Vanessa and Rola who are playing midair tag. Things got heated and they fought each other due to them coming from rival clans. Once again I bemoan that I'm here instead of fighting demons.

Considering they're able to pull off air combos while she can't even get off the ground...yeah.

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