Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Busted Pipe Chronicles Day 54: Sir, Your Car Is Loud For No GODDAMN Reason!

I, like many Texans, had their pipes burst and home flooded with water. Here is my story.

During my time out here, I noticed there's a lot more loud ass cars on the road. And I'm not talking about old cars that sound like they could break down at any moment. I'm talking about newer cars that blows out you eardrums when they pass by on the street. These fuckers could be going only 15 MPH and you still hear the loud gunshots, popping, backfiring, and cackling of the engine. Like dude, you're in a Toyota Camry, why the fuck it sounds like a Harley?

Naturally these people are overcompensating for something so Vice did a story about this last year on why guys (and gals) modify their car's sound to obnoxious levels? Of course, it boils down to masculinity. Guys generally saw off the muffler or add straight pipes to get that excessively loud sound because it excites them and get their little pepe hard. It's a way of drawing attention and leaving a impression by showing "power" because the other drivers can't do anything to stop them from inhibiting their space. Vice tries it's best to humanize these dickheads and lead us to believe that they are a misunderstood group. Well I'm not having that! I don't feel they are antisocial but they are assholes and I hope they blowout their engines.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 55: Are There More Lifted Trucks On The Road Or Is It Just Me? in The Busted Pipe Chronicles.

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