Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Busted Pipe Chronicles Day 45: I Had A Dream I Worked In A Jewelry Store

I, like many Texans, had their pipes burst and home flooded with water. Here is my story.

I had a weird dream that I worked in a jewelry store. I don't wear any earrings, necklaces or rings and I haven't worn a watch in decades so I'm not a jewelry kind of guy. That didn't stop my brain from coming up with different customers and situations that I was in to make a sale.

My first customer was a middle aged guy who wanted to buy a necklace for his wife. He didn't know what to get so I asked him what's her interests? He said she likes birds, nature and other outdoor stuff. So I showed him a necklace of two parakeets kissing on a branch. He liked it so much he brought it in full right there.

My second customer was a young woman who wanted to buy something special for her and her girlfriend for a upcoming girls night out. So I showed her big loop earrings that changes colors along with a rainbow choker with a heart centerpiece. She loved it and brought it along with bedazzled carrying case.

My final customer was a big guy with a fur coat fancy shoes and a big hat with a cane. Either he was a rapper or a pimp or came from church. Anyway, he was window shopping for like 20 minutes when he came up to me asking for something that would really pop but fits his brand. So I suggested tiger print jewelry. Tiger print necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc and he was ecstatic. I woke up after that transaction so I didn't get anymore customers. I doubt it would be this easy to work in one for real but it was a nice dream either way.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 46: No Content Is No Bueno in The Busted Pipe Chronicles.

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