Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Busted Pipe Chronicles Day 38: We're In A Cashless Society

I, like many Texans, had their pipes burst and home flooded with water. Here is my story.

As more stadiums allow fans to attend games this year, it's apparent now that we're in a cashless society. When Walmart stopped doing cash back last year, they blamed it on a coin shortage. Well, businesses have opened up (especially in Texas) so what's their excuse now? Stadiums only accepting digital payments through apps means the end of paper money in this country. Sure, there may be some smaller stores that accept cash as well as local businesses. But this country will follow the lead of Walmart, venue operators and sports teams as they ban cash and process all payments for now on with your card, phone, tablet and/or computer.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 39: Sunday Mornings On The Freeway Is Like A Nascar Race in The Busted Pipe Chronicles.

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