Friday, April 2, 2021

The Busted Pipe Chronicles Day 37: Baseball Opening Day Happened And I Didn't Care

I, like many Texans, had their pipes burst and home flooded with water. Here is my story.

So the MLB season apparently started and...I don't care. That won't stop me from making a half-assed blogpost about it or check in on a game sometime in June for a inning though. I used to be a baseball fan watching every Game Of The Week on FOX, This Week In Baseball before the games, and Texas Rangers games every week on TXA 21. But over time as fans and players got more and more self-righteous, I lost interest in the sport. And I'm not even talking about the steroid scandal where they enjoyed the popularity and money those roided up players where bringing in but once the government got involved, they threw them under the bus. I'm talking about the "Play The Game The Right Way" bullshit those in baseball always parrot.

  1. They're the people who complain about Latin American players having fun during games.
  2. They're the people who mew mew mews over a batter smirking at them after hitting a HR.
  3. They're the people who support throwing and hitting batters with balls for bullshit reasons.
  4. They're the people who force a teammate to APOLOGIZE for breaking the unwritten rules by hitting a grand slam while up big late in the game.
This along with more reasons is why I stopped watching baseball on a regular basis and as far as I'm concerned, I made the right decision to not support this sport with their dumbass rules.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 38: We're In A Cashless Society in The Busted Pipe Chronicles.

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