Friday, August 21, 2020

Why Didn't Eris Use The Simulator? Cat Planet Cuties Episode 6

I've Practiced

Summary in 10 words
Renshiu Shimashita

Eris super horny, Aoi/Manami use simulator to practice skills.
"Kio, do you think, if it's not too much trouble, you could PLEASE open up my virgin tape too?"

We join Captain Kuune, Dr. Durel, Chaika and Melwin on their ship in the middle of a sauna simulation while discussing the battle suits Aoi and Pack Leader was wearing in their fight on Antonia's cult cruise ship.

Let's round out the cat boobs!

They were shocked by how it could turn from soft and flexible to hard and rigid and back in a instant. Not even cat claws could scratch the material.

The TV and Naruto is trying to hide the nips on Kuune and Durel I see.
Even though the "Galactic Sentient Federation banned the Dogisians from fostering interstellar relations", it's obvious they're illegally supplying weaponry to the Earthlings.

It's funny how often they used the tails to hide their Spynx vags.

Because of that connection, Durel concluded they will use that military influence to take down the Catians eventually.

How many cat boobs do you want? Yes!

Then they finished up the Finnish Sauna by moving on to the snow simulation, which they immediately hated as well. In Kio's room, he's packing up for his video club where he's bringing Eris so they can shoot a sci-fi short about aliens.

Funimation makes 4Kids look like Thelma Schoonmaker when it comes to editing.

Since Eris is still in heat, she was triggered by Kio looking for a "virgin tape" in his desk. The only thing that kept her from ripping his clothes off was gunshots in the backyard. That's where we see Aoi shooting a paper target and teaching Manami how to quickly reload without giving away how many bullets she has left.

Kio's neighbors must've thought they were living in Chicago with all the gunshots going off.

Kio tells them to stop shooting because they will alarm the neighbors. But Manami tells him that since they're Eris security, they have to practice shooting at the Catian Embassy (Kio's house).

"Hey wait! When did I become the bad guy?" When you started treating guns like they're just toys to be played with. 

He says she's just using that as an excuse to shoot things, then brought up their nude gun-toting escapade with led to a swift kick in the balls.

A friend is someone who kicks you in the dick after you bring up her shooting up the neighborhood while naked.

After we see Pack Leader lament that she didn't drown those pussies in the sea, there's Manami being reckless with a gun while talking to Aoi in a A&W(!!!) restaurant.

Even in gun loving America, if she waved her gun around in a restaurant like this, she would be arrested.

She suggested that she cook for him or bring up manga, anything that will get his attention. Since Aoi is teaching her how to shoot better (WTF?) she will help her fight for Kio's love because he's not gonna come out and say it himself.

Manami has no business owning guns.
After intermission, Manami is pissy about shooting beer cans with a pellet pistol while Aoi is sad about the food she burnt. That's when Chaika chimes in that she can show them a place where they can practice in peace.

Why did you kick Kio in the testicles? Is that some weird human way of showing affection?

That's when we cut to Kio and Eris helping his video club friends for their alien movie.

Sorry, you just don't look alien enough for us. When we think of aliens, we think E.T or Roger Smith, not sexy catgirls.

They didn't feel Eris was believable as a alien since she looks like a "girl in a costume" (Of course Maki agreed to that). So Eris had her ship fly around, but it looked like it was being held up with strings (So much for saving on post-production special effects). Finally they suggested showing her robot, but Kio's Assist Droid Sarokichi looks like a toy so that didn't work either (Maki is just hating at this point). So they scrapped the alien movie and decided to go with romance instead. Once again, Eris' horniness gets the better of her and she jumps on Kio ready to fuck in front of his clubmates and the camera.

So it's confirmed, Eris is a top while Kio is a bottom.

Maki was angry about the show they're putting on but his two classmates are right there getting it all on tape like professionals. Back on the mothership, Chaika tells Aoi and Manami that their simulator can come up with whatever they like using realistic holograms. Hell, they even use it to satisfy their urges during mating season. She even offered to have them try it out, but they were too embarrassed and would rather try non-sex simulations.

At first she wants the deets on Kio plowing a girl, now she's frigid over a suggested simulated threeway with him and Aoi.

First up we get Aoi in a kitchen with Kio as her taste tester. This being Aoi, she got a giant Kio because the program took her words "someone who's a lot like Kakazu" literally.

If this was another anime, this scene would've ended up like that Black Widow/Hulk gif.

Next we get Manami gushing over a huge selection of guns. Then she asked for a gun she haven't used before: a M-134 Minigun. No surprise, she can't pick it up and hologram Kio told her he can't pick it up either. So she took the time to ask him some questions, but she got tired of all the wishy washy answers he usually gives and wanted a more honest Kio. And honesty she got, especially when asked about Eris' "big bouncy boobs"! When asked about Aoi, he felt sorry for her since she was shy and had no friends due to her job. All she had was her love of movies so they bonded over that (It's amazing how a teen girl killing a bunch of people for Japan's immigration department is common knowledge. And you thought ICE was bad).

Then when she asked how he felt about her, she really took his response hard. He said he liked her at first, but when he heard how happy she was talking to JACK thinking that was her boyfriend (when she was actually her female CIA boss) he backed off. But he stopped being nervous around her once he treated her like a friend. This led to Manami's breakdown because she realized she missed out on the chance of being with him just because he thought she had a boyfriend already.

I almost feel sorry for Manami getting friendzoned...again.

That night, Aoi had Kio taste some food she cooked..."Um, it's uh, a little different".

Why didn't Aoi try her own cooking first before giving it to Kio?

Virtual Kio liked it, but Chaika reminded her that the simulator mimics the idealized version of how she wanted him to act, so real Kio may or may not feel the same way. So that led to some more self doubt for Manami laying on the couch. With our last visit to the Catian's ship, we see Eris get the bad news that due to her actions impeding her duties, Kunne is cutting short her mating season. She pleaded to not take the pills, but it was for her own good. Finally she cried out for Kio to wait for her on her next mating season.

"Since we need you thinking straight, we're cutting your mating season short. Sorry Eris, better luck next time."

I felt sorry for Eris this episode. She's super horny due to being in heat for the first time but the guy she likes is a wishy washy virgin. If only she crashed in America, then she could've found a guy to mate with her. Of course, he couldn't be as open with Eris here with all the bible thumpers, right wing nutcases and SJW liberals bound to fuck it all up. But since they use the simulator when they're in heat, why couldn't Eris use it? Since Kio is programmed into the system, she could've banged Virtual Kio. But I guess she wanted the real thing (even though he's resistant to it) so they cut her off.

As for Manami, I could not be friends with her. Yeah sure, girls are complicated and she's doing the usual female friend beats up male protagonist anime trope, but goddamn, I would not want to be anywhere around her. She also got no business holding, owning, shooting guns real, fake or virtual personally or professionally. She just blatantly ignore proper gun safety holding a gun to Kio's chest while talking to him, pointing at the menu board IN A RESTAURANT and resting it on the table all with her finger on the trigger. I'm no gun expert but I know to leave your finger off unless you intend to shoot your target. And what's more egregious is SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO SHOOT!!! Like, she makes Stormtroopers look like Navy Seals! If the CIA was that desperate to have a teen girl work for them, they should hire Meg Griffin; at least she's good with a rifle. Stay tuned for Episode 7!

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