Saturday, August 22, 2020

How Often Do They Actually Go To School In This Show? Cat Planet Cuties Episode 7 Review

We've Come To Swim

Summary in 10 words
Oyogi ki Nimashita

New school semester, new classmates. Dogsians start shit on beach.
Favorite line
"I don't wanna know what that's for."

The opening narration is a reference to classic sitcom Bewitched. I'm surprised I actually figured that out at first since I never watched the show. But I knew that the main lady's gimmick was twitching her nose to use her magic powers so that ruled out I Dream Of Jeannie.

Anyway, it's a new school semester which means new students Eris and her Assistaroids.

You know she's the star of the show because her school uniform is different from the others.

But that's not all! Maki also gets Antonia, Maya and Sara in her class as well...with bread in their mouths like they're Serena from Sailor Moon (Apparently that's customary for transfer students in Japan according to shojo manga).

"I run from home with toast in my mouth because I can't get to fucking school on time."

After school, Kio and his Krew are the talk of the blacktop which makes him uncomfortable with all the attention he's getting.

♫ Back then they didn't want me, now i'm hot they all on me ♫

So naturally Maya and Sara pulled out their Brügger & Thomet MP9s to scare off the students. One of his video clubmates walked up to greet him and Maya points her gun in his face instead.

"Suck on my nine!"

Kio had her back off and his friend offered Eris to signup for film camp. Which meant Antonia and her maids are going as well as Manami and Aoi.

In the meantime, we see Dogsian Assistaroids fuck up a guy so they can jack his car. Back to Kio's Krew, they're standing outside the school awaiting seating arrangements for Antonia's motorcade. While Maki enjoys a sci-fi book, Aiko and Arisa tease Manami and Aoi for being in love with Kio.

"Why you dogging Kio for being a nerd? Some of the richest people in the world are nerds!"

Manami tried to downplay it calling him a wishy washy nerd. But Aiko pointed out that he's a individual who's gonna turn out to be a great guy and a sexy alien catgirl like Eris is like hitting the jackpot for nerds. In the other car, Antonia sleeps in Eris' lap while Maya mentions it's been a long time since she seen her (and Sara) this happy.

Things would get awkward quick if Eris was still in heat here.

Next, we see police investigating electronics being stolen out of a old woman's house while a Dogsian Assistaroid looks on in the bushes. The motorcade finally made it to the beach and Manami and Aoi are caught off guard about changing into swimsuits. Which prompted Manami to choke Kio out only letting go when he started rubbing her boob while struggling to breathe. After apologizing, he ask "Why you're always so violent with me?" as Aoi looks on. It's their fault for inviting themselves yet not asking what they signed up for but I digress.

As they ponder what they will wear, Maya tells them Antonia already set up a tent full of designer swimsuits.Then we get a montage of Eris trying on swimsuits as Antonia critiques the outfits. Then Aiko and Arisa walks in and ask can they try them own as well. Antonia said it was fine as long as Eris gets first choice. 

Why did I take three screenshots from the same scene?

Then Aoi gets her own montage with commentary from Manami.

Because I like it when characters are talking in the foreground while action happens in the background.

Aoi is feeling a bit embarrassed in the purple bikini even though she stole a boat wearing a yellow sexy bunny outfit a couple episodes ago.

Also Eris didn't move at all in this scene.

Eventually she settled for a conservative bathing suit. The others showed off their swimsuits as well to the excited guys. Aiko somehow puts hers on backwards and the guys have your typical anime bloody nose reaction. Now, I'm no swimsuit expert, but since the hole for Eris tail is located at their buttcrack (i.e tailbone), wouldn't the hole expose Aiko's pubic area and not her vagina? And even if the hole somehow exposed her vagina, could she not feel the breeze down there? She couldn't feel her lips going through the hole? That was just weird and seriously, those guys never seen a vagina before? Yeesh.

The girls in this show never notice they're exposed until someone tells them they're exposed.
But they all completely forgot that the bikinis were designed for Eris so they all had a hole in the back where her tail would go.

That night, they're grilling up some food, Maki is stuffing her face, and Kio has a favor to ask of Aoi so they take a walk to get some privacy. Kio remarks on the moon, how he been thinking about it for a long time but "can't keep it to myself any longer" and she's "the only one". It's embarrassing what he's about to ask and it looks like Aoi is about to get what she always wanted; Kio as a boyfriend!

Kio really built up the tension and emotion with his words, so I can't blame Aoi for misreading the room.

Instead, he only wants her to teach him how to fight.

You can actually pinpoint the second when her heart rips in half.

Oof, I felt that sting all the way here in 2020. Understandably, she wants to be left alone, and the clueless Kio rejoins the others. As Aoi is filled with self-doubt, Eris walks up offering her some food and gets a vicious tongue lashing from a visibly upset Aoi. Kio was what got Aoi through her missions, but now she has to deal with Eris' cheerful attitude and sexy catgirl body. All the while she doesn't know anything about manga and can't cook so she hates her because she just can't compete with her. She even threw away her career just to be with him!

That's when Eris gave her a much needed hug and explained how they're similar because he gives her so much comfort and makes her feel at ease as well.

"We're more alike than you think Aoi."

As they were making up, Ichika walks up to them eating the food Eris brought with her. As Aoi tried to shoo her away, she tells them their group is being attacked, but she holds back Aoi because she has something special for her.

"Your friends are being attacked by dog robots so you might wanna wrap this up and help them out."

The Dogsian Assistaroids are stealing their camera equipment, catapulting tires at them and even went after Eris. But Aoi quickly destroyed those bots and thanks to the new giant Assistaroid the maids flew in, they defeated the invading robots.

"Fuck Yeah! I'm a Power Ranger in this bitch!"

The next day, they surveyed the damage and Eris explained that the Dogsian Assistaroids have to steal electronics to make repairs because they can't self-regenerate like Catian Assistaroids. Because of this, Kio reiterated that he wants Aoi to teach him to fight so he can protect them.

So Aoi is taller than Kio who's taller than Manami with Eris towering over all of them.

In the final scene, a confused Dog Woman gets a letter from Ichika along with the crate of broken Dogsian Assistaroids.

"Who in the blue hell is Ichika?"

This was a long time coming for Aoi to tell off Eris about how she's been in love with him before she got there, but she swooped in and gotten far more closer to Kio than Aoi ever could. She wonders why a nerd like him would ever want a cold blooded killer like her who can't cook, don't read manga, and has itty bitty titties. Even though she has no problem killing people, she can't express her feelings and usually keeps to herself which would explain why she didn't have any friends until Kio came around. So it was nice to see Eris comfort her and try to relate to her.

BTW, this is episode 7 out of a 12 episode series and this is the first time we actually see them in school. I was looking at the summery of future episodes and is this seriously the only episode they actually go to school? Granted, with all the crazy shit going on in Kio's life, school isn't that important right now. But it's just interesting how they made a big deal about school starting back after summer break and it's the only episode they're actually in class. Oh, and LOL at Maki begrudgingly introducing her new students to...Video Club? Art? History? What class does she actually teach? Stay tuned for Episode 8!

For real though, what class is this?

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