Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Operation Unfreeze Time In Space! Cat Planet Cuties Episode 11 Review

I Came Looking For You

Summary in 10 words
Sagashi ki Nimashita

Rescue missions in space isn't as easy as you think.
Maki: "This is so not right. Why should I of all people have to wear this?"

Yuichi: "Eh, no one's gonna even know it's us. Besides, they say most foreigners think all Japanese people look alike anyway, right?"

Hey Blogger World, It's me yours truly! The episode picks up after the events of Episode 10 with Maki and (Badass) Uncle Yuichi surveying the damage at Kio's house.

"It's gonna be a pain in the ass to replace that concrete wall but buying a new sliding window shouldn't cost that much."

Across the street, Manami with no self awareness whatsoever says Aoi can now go buy a romantic movie to replace the one the box truck ran over.


Aoi is unsettlingly chill about her gift to Kio being crushed. I have a feeling she's gonna go off on someone (Manami) so it's a good thing she has those non lethal Catian bullets.

Inside, Eris explained that if the ship crashed, it would destroy Earth...somehow.

Spot the differences between this screenshot...

Luckily, Melwin explained that if the ship came close to Earth at a high speed, it would self-destruct. Unfortunately, that would kill all the remaining crew members who are frozen in time. Yuichi rationally asks why can't they just change the ship's trajectory? But that would require restarting the ship's systems which they can't do without Captain Kuune's security codes, which they can't access because they're part of her genes. Which explains why the Dogsian Assistaroid only knocked her out because killing her would've gave Melwin access to the codes as second-in-command.

As Yuichi sums up how deep shit they're in, Kuune's bell activated and latched on to Kio.

Would this qualify as failing upwards?

Since she said "Please take this" to Kio before she passed out, that officially makes him the captain now (Oh good lord).

I guess Chaika refuses to accept Kio as captain. I can't blame her really to be honest.

With that problem (sort of) taken cared of, the next problem is how the hell they're getting to space? Lucky for them, they have a cat fanatic millionaire friend who can buy a rocket for them.

I wonder how many hours Antonia spends watching cat videos online everyday?

But Earth rockets aren't as advanced as Catian ships, so how can they reach the crew deep in space? Well whaddya know, Luros walked out of the ocean and arrived at Kio's house in a "Professor Jameson" from those old science fiction magazines.

Good thing Luros didn't get hit by a car or attacked by Dogsian Assistroids so we can move this plot along.

Eris explained with help from the Assistroids, Luros can build the warp engine around herself using standard rockets.

Yuichi asks another excellent question on how are they gonna unfreeze the crew? Good thing they have a Nomad Designer friend who has Accel Cards for unfreezing time. Ichika would tag along, but she's busy right now. At least she can get a copyright license to a DIY Assistroid kit for compensation out of it.

Why does Ichika have blueprints for a flying saucer? There's definitely more to her than meets the eye.

But just when you thought everything's coming up Kio, the Catian ship suddenly left Jupiter's orbit heading towards Earth that would cause a impact the likes of a several kiloton nuclear weapon. To pile on the bad news, Antonia called them back to tell Kio there're no rockets to buy anywhere in the world.

If Antonia was a billionaire, she could've had her own aerospace company like Elon Musk.

Of course that's because Dog Mommy is using her political influence to keep every country from selling their rockets.

Now they have to resort to their backup plan of just building their own rocket. They just need to find the parts to do so.

...and this one minutes later.

It just so happens Maya has a old comrade in Russia who has some decommissioned rockets to spare. So off to Russia they go walking in sub zero temperatures (without their hoods or gloves on) to meet General Nina at her underground rail mobile missile base.

Signs Global Warming is real: They're walking in Russia in the middle of December with no hoods or gloves on.

Once Nina and Maya agreed to the transaction, their space rescue mission was back on.

Where's Sara?

And if the Dogsians come back looking for them, Eris has Maki and Yuichi as her and Kio's body doubles to throw them off their sent (LOL).

Maki went from trying to kill Eris to cosplaying as her. Oh the hilarity of this is too much to handle!

They leave Kio alone to practice on building a spaceship and...have he seriously not seen a spaceship before? You would think he just copy Eris' ship or the mothership or NASA space shuttle or any other ship in tv and movies. Hell, why didn't they Google spaceships and have him go off that? Or even better, give him blueprints to the Catian's fleet of spaceships or that UFO Ichika had! This just seems soooo unnecessary.

Speaking of unnecessary, in comes Manami to stir up some The CW level teen drama while he's trying to remember do spaceships have wings or not. At first, it was understandable he didn't get what she was talking about when she asked what he was planing on doing. Any rational person would think she was talking about how does he plan on building a spaceship when he don't know shit about them? Instead, she asks what he plans on doing about Eris and Aoi (Uh Manami, now's not the time to bring up love triangles like it's Dawson's Creek). But when she asked him what kind of girl would risk her life (is she really?) and throw away her career over a boy she just want to be friends with? Him answering "best friend" just solidifies he's more clueless than First Season Ash Ketchum. So like the violent person she (still) is, she puts him in a headlock only letting go when he begs her off.

A friend is someone who puts you in a headlock because she wants you to settle a love triangle like it's One Tree Hill.

After we see Assistroid #6 checking out the tanks, here's Kio checking out the rockets when he gets jumped by the guy who was hiding behind the missiles earlier. Speaking of Aoi, she's peeved at Manami for butting in on her love triangle considering they have more important things to worry about right now. Manami tried to rationalize her actions but Aoi called her out on being in love with him as well. Then Aoi called Manami a hypocrite for pushing her fears of never getting an final answer on how he really feels about her on Aoi instead of facing them herself. After a slap fight and staredown, the intruder alarm went off.

Manami left redness while Aoi left scratches on their slaps. I wonder how they would do in those Russian slap fights.

Nina was caught off guard by the intruder warning as Manami and Aoi split up to find the person. Aoi finds the intruder with a bomb trigger and a gun to Kio's head.

"I have to tell you, you're weak. I mean, I've heard of damsels in distress, but you make Daphne look like Ronda Rousey."

Turns out that's the same guy who blew up the ship Aoi was on from the first episode (WTF?).He taunts her about being a ruthless killer who serves a country she doesn't love and protects a planet she knows nothing about. This is rich coming from a guy who BLEW UP A SHIP(!!!), rigged the base to blow and is currently holding a harmless teen boy hostage at gunpoint. She had enough of his shit and emptied the clip on him leaving him shook (Thanks Catian bullets!). I was expecting her to tackle and beat the shit out of him as a way to release all those bottled up feelings she had from her gift being ran over but I digress. Antonia's other maids restrained the guy as Maya tells everybody that NATO forces are headed their destroy the base because they think Kio's Krew are terrorists.

There's Sara.

They only have about three hours to get out of there before they arrive so it's time for Kio to use Kuune's bell to turn those four rockets into a spaceship. He waves his hand like a maestro rearranging the matter, even flexing a bit, til he finally finished building the spaceship.

Kio actually being useful for a change.

Eris, Aoi and Manami liked his handiwork but the alarm went off again which means it's time to go as NATO's tanks draws near. Antonia's maids will hold off NATO as Kio's Krew board the rocket and get ready for takeoff.

This episode can be summed up with multiple phrases like "Never Give Up", "Fortunate Circumstances", "When It Rains It Pours" and "Friends In High Places". 

  • Kuune is KO'ed so Kio gets her bell.
  • They need a rocket so they have Antonia buy one.
  • Earth rockets are not advanced enough for deep space so Luros returned.
  • They need to unfreeze time so Ichika gives them Accel Cards that unfreezes time. 
  • Antonia can't buy a rocket so Kio has to build one.
  • They don't have a rocket engine so they fly to Russia to get one from Maya's friend.
  • Guy holds Kio hostage and rigged base with bombs so Aoi shoots to disarm him.
  • NATO is coming to kill them so Kio suddenly knows how to build a rocket.

It's one problem after the next that only gets solved because they know someone who can help them. This has to be the most luckiest and unluckiest days they ever been through.

I appreciate that the best character Uncle Yuichi returned to ask pointed questions on how the hell they're gonna pull off this rescue mission. I wish he got more screen time, but like Tenten, it's not meant to be.

This show has no sense of scale when it comes to what would destroy Earth. A impact of a several kiloton nuclear weapon sounds like it could wipe out this planet, until you realize that we already have weapons that powerful that haven't came close to damaging the planet. The most powerful bomb ever used was Soviet Union's Tsar Bomba in 1961. It produced a 50,000 kiloton explosion with a 209,974 foot tall mushroom cloud and a fallout area of 607 miles. That led to the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963 to keep bombs from becoming more powerful even though there's about 15,000 nuclear weapons in the world today. In other words, there is no way in hell that ship is destroying Earth. Even the asteroid that took out the dinosaurs and caused the Ice Age didn't wipe out Earth and it was about 6-9 miles long.

So, Maki has big tits correct? We saw them in a bikini during the beach episode and here they are in Eris' suit. Of course, that could be a push up bra or some extra padding but still, hers are larger than average. So why she freaked out on seeing Eris' boobs the first time? Both her and Manami have above average busts so they really shouldn't be going ZOMG!!! over Eris' chest size. The only one who has an excuse for reacting the way she did was flat-chested Aoi who saw all of the Catians' varying knockers at once.

Speaking of Manami, Aoi FINALLY called her out on her bullshit. You know how sports parents can be awful because they try to live out their failed sports aspirations through their kids? Well Manami is trying to live out her failed love aspirations with Kio through Aoi. Like a dad who pushes his son to treat Little League baseball seriously in hopes that he makes it professionally because he missed out on playing in MLB. Manami is pushing Aoi to beat out Eris in becoming Kio's girlfriend because she missed out on being one herself. They seem to have resolved their differences after their little exchange in the war room since they were cooperating with each other to find the intruder in the next scene.

Speaking of intruders, didn't Kio ask Aoi to teach him to fight so things like this DOESN'T happen? It's like he gave up on learning how to fight after she casually flipped him with one hand. Then he remembered how he lived out his action movie fantasy when he saved Aoi from Antonia's sinking ship in Eris' powersuit. So he asked Kuune for his own powersuit so he can cheat his way to defending himself without actually learning how to fight. But between the Dogsian Assistroid attack, planing a rescue mission and flying to Russia, he haven't had time to actually program the suit. He says he want to learn how to fight to protect Eris, Aoi and Manami but he haven't put in any effort to actually learn to fight outside of that one time in the simulator.

Speaking of fighting, I don't feel Aoi adequately got her frustrations out on that guy. When her gift was destroyed by that box truck, you can tell she was crushed but was holding it in. Calling out Manami and slapping her was nice, but she was still holding in those emotions. That's why I felt that guy was the perfect target for her to unleash her rage on. He blew her up on that ship from the first episode. Now he's holding Kio hostage while threatening to shoot him and blow up the base. Don't get me wrong, emptying the clip on him was a nice touch but I felt she could've did more so here me out:

He's shook from being shot so many times so she goes in and ground and pounds him. Before he could react, she punches his face multiple times breaking his nose, busting his jaw, blacking his eyes and busting him open. Eventually the guy goes unconscious but she's still punching him in the face getting blood all over her fists. Kio is in the back looking sad like the simp he is. Eventually he grabs her arm to stop her from punching him and she walks away. Seeing all the blood on her, Manami asks "Woah, are you OK?" and Aoi responds "Never better! That was very cathartic for me". I feel that would've been a better usage of the crushed gift scene than simply shooting the guy. I'm just saying, take care.

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