Saturday, August 29, 2020

Dogsians Bring The Dogfight To Kio's Krew And Mark Their Territory. Cat Planet Cuties Episode 10 Review

We Came After You

Summary in 10 words
Nerai ki Nimashita

Dogsians make Catians/Kio's Krew pay for taking them lightly.
Favorite line
"Ohhh! This is the cat's pajamas!"

Dog General starts this episode hot by firing a laser from a satellite. While on Earth, it's Christmas season so Kio's Krew are at the mall checking out the giant Christmas Tree.

No upskirts for you!

You can tell they tried their best not to mention Christianity or Jesus with Kio downplaying the religious aspect of it. While he and Eris look at the tree, Manami is trying to get Aoi to be more aggressive in her pursuit of Kio. Since Eris isn't in heat, this is Aoi's chance to slide in and get close to Kio before he bangs Eris (Uh Manami, he had plenty of chances to "get busy" with Eris and didn't take advantage of it, Aoi has time). Aoi was so overwhelmed by Manami's advice, she fainted when Kio called out for her to check out a DVD sale.

Aoi: Survives explosions. Ruthless assassin. Weapons expert. Faints when Kio calls her name. Makes sense.

On the mothership, the Catians just finished watching a Christmas movie. Once again, Funimation did their best to keep Jesus out of Christmas by having Chaika state that it originally was to "commemorate the birth of the founder of one of Earth's three great religions" (Christianity's 2.4 billion followers edges out Islam's 1.9 billion for highest religious population). Now it expanded to exchanging gifts and spreading goodwill. To join in on this holiday, Catia decided to exchange a gift with Earth under the program Operation Santa Claus.

The face of American commercialism. You're welcome Japan.

That's when they were alerted of fake satellites heading their way from the Dogsians. Since they're not legally allowed to attack, all they can do is harass the Catians (When have laws stopped bad guys from criminal activity?). The Catians easily destroyed the satellites and mocked the Dogsians for thinking space debris could hurt their ship.

Back at the mall, Aoi regained consciousness and is buying a gift for Kio when she remembers what Manami said about giving Kio something special. That led to her misunderstanding what the cashier meant about points blurting out she doesn't have any points with him. After she cleared it up for her, she checked out with her HNV Black Card.

I shouldn't be too surprised that an elite governmental assassin has a Black Card.

Back on the mothership, they got a progress report where it will take about nine days for them to complete the Christmas gift for Earth. Kuune then left Melwin in charge of the ship so she can attend dinner at Kio's house. Like Eris, she really enjoyed the food him, Eris, and the Assistroids cooked up. After explaining how her bell is more advanced than Eris', Kuune summoned a combat powersuit (shaped like a bracelet) as a early gift for Kio.

"I heard you performed well in Eris' powersuit so here's one for yourself. Merry Christmas Kio!"

Eris was disappointed he felt the need to have one, but he didn't want to feel useless with her, Manami and Aoi constantly saving him. Then we cut to Dog General activating Stage 2 of their plan which involved her Assistroids floating in formation through space.

How the fuck they not see all these motherfuckers coming towards them?

Back from break, Manami is standing on the balcony looking into Kio's living room through his sliding door (I guess curtains don't exist in Japan either). Aoi walked up to her house so Manami met her down in the street. Aoi talked about the DVD box set she got for him which didn't impress Manami one bit. She felt Aoi should've got a romantic movie instead of an old one even though he's not into those kind of movies.

"Dammit girl! I'm trying to help you get laid! Why didn't you buy The Twilight Saga box set?"

Then we see why Manami is pushing Aoi so hard to kiss him even though she's fine being friends with him. Manami missed out on hooking up with him and got stuck in the friend zone. So she doesn't want the same thing to happen to Aoi and regret not taking a chance at love for the rest of her life. But before she could fully express her feelings, a truck nearly runs them over but it did crush Aoi's gift to Kio.

That truck was a good 20 feet away from them. Why the hell was she just standing there like a idiot?

It ended up avoiding them completely by turning left crashing into Manami's house.

That's a big ass box truck.

Aoi shot out the windows finding out the truck is under remote control. Then it backed into Kio's house releasing a gas that jammed the Assistroids' sensors.

Kio and Aoi are meant for another. They both freeze like a deer in headlights when a truck comes barreling towards them.

They couldn't escape through the back because the Dogsian Assistroids were having a shootout with Manami and Aoi.

Four on two? I like Aoi's chances.

So Kio, Eris and Kuune was forced to go upstairs as more Assistroids chased after them. Meanwhile, several explosions breached the external hull on the mothership allowing the space Assistroids to board the ship.

Hey, those the same Accel-Form cards Ichika left on them from the beach episode! She got some explaining to do!

Chaika wondered how the Dogsians attacked them while going undetected? I guess Melwin can see into the past like Batman because she figured out that the Assistroids were hiding in the satellites that were destroyed. Then they floated to their ship slapping Paper Bombs on the exterior for a heavy close range attack.

"This oughta get their attention!"

If it means sacrificing some robots to accomplish the goal of bringing down the ship, so be it.

Going back to the action at the Catian Embassy, Kuune entered Kio's room where she was sneak attacked by a Assistroid sticking her in the neck causing her to collapse. 

"Friend, sleep in silence"

Kio kicked it away and Eris went after the other Assistroids in the room. While on the ship, the Assistroids froze time for the fleeing crew members but the bridge was able to escape by going into hyperspace (Where were the Catian Assistroids?).

"Now the ship is in our control."

After Eris kicked the rest of the robots out of the room, Kuune gave Kio her bell and lost consciousness. Eris scanned her and found nanobots in her brain so she couldn't risk healing her. Melwin contacted them and told them that they were attacked as well and since they lost contact with the ship, it will crash to Earth in two weeks. But that's not all, Luros, the A.I for Eris' ship, tells them that her ship is being attacked as well by the Dogsians.

That's an angry kitty!

So Eris lost her ship. Captain Kuune is down. Melwin, Durel, and Chaika fled to hyperspace. The Dogsians took over the mothership. And if the Catians don't regain control of the ship, it's gonna crash in two weeks. Sounds like shit's fucked.

Frozen cat boobs

Can we talk about how Manami is so sure that Kio is gonna bone Eris even though he had plenty of opportunities and never capitalized on them? It's not like they never been alone together multiple times in this show. Here is a list of times Kio could've had sex with Eris:

  • After Eris offered sex on the balcony as compensation for helping her.
  • After Eris offered to scrub his back (lock the door of course).
  • On Antonia's ship while they were kidnapped.
  • After Eris wanted him to open her "virgin tape" while she's in heat.
  • While Manami and Aoi were shooting each other in the woods.

That doesn't count the other times they been together offscreen cause don't Eris sleep in his room? And since Manami and Aoi moved back to their own houses, he could be banging her every night, which he isn't. So the fact that Manami is pushing Aoi to get in there with Kio so hard because she missed out on the chance due to a misunderstanding of her relationship status with JACK is hilarious.

There were so many puns in this episode. It's like Funimation had some leftover puns and cat/dog sayings they needed to burn through before things gets SERIOUS and they won't be able to use them. I can't hate on that. 4Kids had unused chicken puns from the Yugioh GX Golden Eggwich episode so they used them in the Little Belowski episode when Crowler was fighting off angry chickens. Besides, I learned "This is the cat's pajamas" is an actually thing people said unlike a made up phrase like "I feel lower than a snake's belly button". I guess "cat's meow" was too cliche so they went with a uncommon phrase of the same ilk and age. So if excessive use of puns is good enough for 4Kids, it's good enough for Funimation.

As for the Catians, you would think a race that is so technologically superior would spot a bunch of Assistroids coming their way on the sensors or cameras. Even if they were mixed in with the debris, it really does seem like they underestimated the capabilities of the Dogsians and it blew up in their faces. Also, why are they not able to remotely control the rest of the ship? I guess the Dogsians changed the ship's orbit so it will crash, but why would it take two weeks for that to happen? Why give them that much time to think of a plan when you could manually crash it instead? Talk about some real oversight here. Oh well, when everything's falling apart, it's time for our do nothing, simp male protagonist to GET SERIOUS, put some base in his voice and lead the charge to take down the Dogsians once and for all.

Shit just got real.

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