Monday, August 24, 2020

Cat Planet Cuties Musical Episode 9 Review Sponsored By A&W Restaurants

The Grand First Assistroid?

Summary in 10 words
Idai naru Saisho no Ashitoroido

The Grandmother of Assistroids visits Earth and sings a song.
Ichika: "HELLO! I'm being nice enough to explain all this so PAY ATTENTION!"

Manami: "No thanks, I'm good. Sounds like a whole lotta sci-fi gibberish to me."

On a Catian ship, Lawry leaves her room and asks the captain what was the song that was playing earlier on the intercom.

"I see you awoken from your catnap Lawry. So what's up?"

She didn't know but it came from the same planet they're taking a detour to, Earth. At the Catian Embassy, Eris and Chaika are listening to the same song from Ichika's CD.

I remember the days when people would split earbuds to listen to the radio/iPod at school/bus stop. Man I'm old.

Eris asked why she wanted to talk to her, then she lets her know that Lawry is coming over to visit. Later we see Kio's Krew hanging out at the local A&W Restaurant (How much did A&W pay for all this product placement?).

Must be morning hours.

Eris told them that Lawry was the first Assistroid, who was part of the first Catian exploration team that tragically died 1,000 years ago. Kio thought about giving her a special welcome, but Eris was told not to do anything but make her feel welcome. Eris did suggest that he could provide more hospitality than she could which caused Manami to give Aoi a funny look. It's like she thought Kio was expected to have sex with Lawry as a manner of providing "hospitality".

On Antonia's new ship, the Assistroid Eris gave her wanted time off so it can be there when Lawry comes to Kio's house.

It didn't take long for her to replace her destroyed cruise liner.

Sara freaked out over missing "kitty" so Maya had to stomp her out to get her to calm down. They were perplexed as to what it meant when it said that it's grandma/ancestor is visiting.

That evening, they was at school sorting stuff surrounded by movie poster parodies for movies like Armageddon and The Godfather (I guess Maki teaches Film Studies and this must be Manami & Aoi's first year taking it which would explain the freak out at the beach). Kio noticed Eris looked upset but she stated that she was listening to the CD Ichika gave her.

The Grandfather Part VI movie poster looks so out of place. They clearly edited a real one & slapped it in the background.

He knew immediately what the song was and Manami mocked him for knowing it was from '70s anime Captain Future (I wonder how many weebs they pissed off calling it a "cartoon"?).

Armagedodoon? What kind of Japanese bootleg movie is this?

But in comes Ichika (Does she even go to school?) defending the cartoon even though Maki was the only other person to support her.

"I have something important to say because my finger is in the air."

On the mothership, they're enjoying the song and were surprised at how the humans could capture the feelings of space travel in song even though they never ventured out to deep space. Later that day, Eris, Kio, and all the Assistroids awaited Lawry's arrival at the front door. When she beamed down, Kio was definitely surprised at how Lawry looked like a catgirl android in a fancy dress.

Like a angelic catgirl android, Lawry makes her appearance. At least they didn't give her giant tits.

She was welcomed with confetti and banners Funimation didn't bother to translate.

"Fuck you! I'm not translating those banners under all that confetti!" "4Kids would have..."

We come back from break with Wet Dog showering (no nips) because why not? She chastised Muttley for having enough time to watch cartoons but not to think of a plan to crush the Catians.

I wanna know what does Wet Dog(girl) smell like.

Kio's Krew huddled around a screen in Manami's room looking into Kio's living room while Eris was away at the store.

You should've ordered a bigger screen from "Amazoness" Manami.

Lawry explained she looks so different from the current robots because back then they believed the Assistroids had to be people sized to properly assist people.

I see #6 but where's the two #14s and the butler Assistroid who asked Antonia for time off?

They didn't have mass adjustment systems so they had biological parts installed instead. Eventually, technology got better and the Assistroids became miniaturized like they currently are. That confused Kio so she told him that robots that look and perform the same as humans can cause lots of problems for them like sparking fear and hatred of them. So the current Assistroids are lucky to be treated like friends and family instead of causing a dilemma of whether they're equals to humans or just tools. After Eris returned from the store with snacks, Lawry requested they go for a walk.

As she sat with the Assistroids at the park, Kio called Maki to pick them up and noticed Eris looking sad behind a tree.

I can tell you're sad because your ears are down.

She explained that back then, the humanoid nature of the Assistroids caused a moral dilemma among those who felt it took away their ability to function as a tool. They clashed with those who had no problem with those human like features, nearly causing a civil war. Even though they accepted the Catian's apology for the horrible treatment they suffered through, Eris still feels responsible for her ancestors' actions and can't bear to talk to her.

I guess her picking up this robot dog is foreshadowing her relationship with the Dogsians.

So Kio took over on tour duties and went without Eris to the beach. Maki asked why Kio didn't call his "sketchy" Uncle Yurichi (SLANDEROUS!!!) to pick them up, but he reasoned that she would like to meet his new alien robot friend.

"Sketchy Uncle?" Someone's in her feelings about her secret group getting infiltrated by a Hawaiian shirt wearing badass.

She liked the robotic arms and legs, but the robotic kitty ears crushed her dreams of meeting her idea alien robot. Lawry noticed Eris didn't come with them, so Kio tried to cover for her saying she had something urgent to deal with. She saw through that lie and told him that she has no ill-will towards Eris. Everything that happened between her breed of Assistroids and the Catians was in the past and she just wants the current breed of Assistroids to be happy and get along with their masters.

At the beach, Lawry talks about how much she misses her master, who would've been the first Catian to land on Earth if he didn't die in the accident.

Was Kio hopping on one leg in the sand? Why his footprints aren't natural like Lawry's and Sarokichi's?

That's why she came to Earth to complete his final wish of looking up at the night sky and singing a Earthling song. As she broke out into the song we've been hearing throughout this episode, "Sabishii Space Man", everyone in Kio's Krew joined in on singing as they looked out their windows (even Wet Dog!). Once she completed her final task, she returned to the Catian ship. The next day, Chaika explained to Kio that since Lawry doesn't have a master, she chose to no longer extend her life cycle.

That's alot of snacks to pig out on.

So getting to meet her was a huge honor for Kio. As we close out the show, Lawry and the Catian crew watched Earth as they flew away playing that song.

"Tell me, why are there humans who feel the Earth is flat even with video and photo proof that it's round?"

I never heard of Captain Future, but this episode was like watching old late '80s, early '90s animated movies like An American Tail, especially when they were all singing the song. Eris having guilt over what her ancestors did to the first Assistroids is similar to how some White people feel guilty over their ancestors enslaving, denying voting rights and other racist bullshit against Black people. You can't change the past, but you can make the future a better place for all. I guess this was a off day for Wet Dog. She had a brief shower scene, chastised Muttley for watching Captain Future, watched it with him on the couch, then took part in the singalong at the end, all while still wrapped in a towel. There was alot of hair blowing in the wind in this episode as well. Dramatic wind is a common anime trope so I liked how they covered for it with a weather report of a tropical depression heading their way.

Also, what's with the inconsistent spelling of these robot's name? On Wikipedia, it's spelled Assist-a-roids. In episode 7, on the chalkboard they spelled it Assistaroids without the hyphens. But the title for this episode spelled it Assistroid(s) without the second "a". All the while they pronounce it as Assist Droids like it's two words. Like dammit Funimation, MAKE UP YOUR GODDAMN MIND!

And what's with Maki calling the best character in this show Uncle Yurichi "sketchy"? Is she still salty that he single-handedly bust into her group's secret lair and blackmailed them into helping him and Kio rescue Eris? I don't see him skeeving on Kio's female friends like your typical perverted anime uncle/granddad/sensai/old guy. Just because he's wearing a Hawaiian shirt outside of Hawaii doesn't make him a creep like Master Roshi. She should just be lucky he didn't bust a cap in her ass cause he looks like he's bout dat life!

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