Monday, August 17, 2020

Kio Has A Cool Uncle. Cat Planet Cuties Episode 2 Review


I Dropped By

Summary in 10 words
Asobi ki Nimashita

Eris gets captured, Kio's friends disobeys orders to save her.
Favorite line
"Oh well, wasn't my van."

We start off the episode with Maki freaking the fuck out that the first alien she met looked more like a cosplayer from a anime convention than the typical aliens you see in movies and TV. So naturally she wants to kill Eris because a catgirl doesn't meet her standard of what a alien should look like, which is just fucking stupid.

Damn bitch, take a chill pill! It's not that serious.
Hey newsflash! Just because the media depict aliens as little green men with big heads doesn't mean they will actually look like that. They could be giant robots, tiny worms, or even a octopus! Hell, have you seen the terrifying things in the deep sea? For all we know the aliens are already here but we consider them animals ya dumb bitch! I bet Maki is the kind of person who's about to have sex with a Black guy for the first time, but she gets angry that he has a regular sized dick instead of a horse cock like in porn. "C'MON! A Black penis' appearance should be so awe inspiring that you know without a doubt that Black men are the superior race to mate with! Instead I encounter one that even Koreans would have a hard time accepting as big!" Anyway, enough of my ranting, let's get back to the review.

"Fuck Yeah I'm willing to kill a catgirl to preserve my idea of what a alien should look like!"

Eris explains to Kio that she's on this mission because after 70,000 years, Catia have came to a genetically and culturally standstill. 

"Good thing Manami isn't here to ruin this moment for me."

So to "wash away the stagnation", they're traveling across space to share their culture in hopes that humans share theirs. 

Sphynx Kitty
As Manami spies on them, JACK quips that "This looks and sounds like a late night cable anime than a surveillance feed". Later that night, while talking about how he doesn't have any career goals right now, he revealed that Manami is trying to get a job on the American Air Force base (Is she stealing guns from this base?). Then in an attempt to show her gratitude for helping her out, she offered to have sex with him. 

"I'm willing to explore your sexual desires, even that weird BDSM one."

Unsurprisingly, Manami wasn't too thrilled about that proposition even though he explained to Eris what happens in porn isn't real.

Jealous much?

The next day, Eris called up some Assist Droids to help her research at the library. 

These little guys come in handy in a big way later on.
Manami again wasn't too thrilled with how chummy Eris and Kio were as she watched them using security cameras.

"Hey human, you better stay away from my homegirl Eris or I knock that tablet out ya hands!"

Meanwhile, Aoi steps in the back of a truck, stood in a carbonate machine thingamajig and puts on her skintight powersuit to get ready for her mission. 

How does she take this suit off when it bonds to her skin like this? Hell, how does she BREATHE in this thing?

That night, shit really hits the fan once the lights shut off and Beautiful Contact threatens them with guns. Kio gets knocked down defending Eris and Aoi jumps in to save them. Then as she attacks Eris, Kio stops her, reasoning that she did nothing to deserve being attacked like this.

I know I called him a simp last episode, but it's brave of Kio to risk his life in order to save his catgirl friend.

Aoi relents and let them go only for JACK to tranquilize them and Manami to capture Eris. Uncle Yuichi later shows up in his jeep to save Kio and the Assist Droids.

Uncle Yuichi throws a stun grenade like a total badass to save Kio and the Assist Droids.

After Kio wakes up, he calls Manami and demands she tells him where they took Eris. Then he called Aoi to call off plans they made which led her to pick up Manami from her house. Back to the jeep, Uncle Yuichi hands Kio a Smith & Wesson Model 686 in case things goes sideways as they pay the Beautiful Contact a visit. 

Let's see can you shoot a real gun as well as you do a virtual one in those first-person shooter games you play Kio.
However, they're surprisingly chill about their secret base being infiltrated and getting blackmailed into helping them bust Eris out of the airbase. 

SMILE! You're being blackmailed!
Turns out having connections in the Air Force helped as they drove into the base without incident. I don't know whether the show creators or dubbers are Star Trek fans, but this is the third time they mentioned Trekkies. Meanwhile, Eris gets information on why she was captured and figured out the military are in cahoots with the enemy Dogsians. As Badass Uncle Yuichi blows shit up, Manami and Aoi shoots shit up as they kiss their CIA and Immigration Bureau of Japan careers goodbye.

"OH BABY! You're coming home with momma tonight!"

All the distractions allowed Eris to free herself from the tube and take out the military agents all by herself, much to Kio's surprise.

"You're smothering me with your boobs!"
Going back to Uncle Yuichi, he jumps out of the van like it's GTA before it crashes and just when he thinks he's done for, Aoi and Manami pulls up to make the save. Everyone then rendezvous to the runway waiting for the Assist Droids to pick them up in the helicopter. Unfortunately, they got shot down by tanks (They survived). So Eris goes to plan B by spawning a giant hammer and charged the tanks with her mini hammer wielding Assist Droids.

When you get your ass kicked by a catgirl and her army of small robots, you should reassess your life's choices.
After they erased the tanks (and the soldiers' clothes) they provided a unexpectedly badass shot of them standing in triumph as the sun rises.

Mission Completed

Not wanting to reveal how they got owned by a catgirl, the military covered it up by stating that their fuel depot exploded. So Kio finally got to spend the rest of his summer incident free. Later, Eris revealed that her mission was complete, and asks again for him to mate with her. But like the cockblockers they are, Manami and Aoi rushes in to tell him to turn on the TV. 

Funny how they always bust in at the wrong time.
Turns out the Catia mothership made it to Earth and Melwin and Chaika dropped by at his house because they love to try the food Eris reported on.

Hey look! More roommates!
I must say, Yuichi is a pretty cool uncle. He helped save Kio and the Assist Droids, he blackmailed the secret society Beautiful Contact into helping them save Eris, and he jumped out of a moving van like he's CJ; all while wearing flip flops! I like how the episodes aren't dragging along padding the runtime with flashbacks and extra talking. Unlike other anime, they actually get to the point.

Now, I don't know if this is a translation error, or what, but Kio sees the Assist Droids survive being blown up in a helicopter by a tank. But as Eris prepares them to attack the tanks, he's worried that they would be destroyed. You just seen them get blown up, why are you worried about them getting shot? So, I'm guessing for the next episode, the CIA and Japan will try to take out Manami and Aoi for double crossing them even though it was a questionable move to have teenage girls do their dirty work for them anyway. They must be orphans. Oh well, stay tuned for Episode 3!

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