Sunday, August 23, 2020

WAR GAMES! Cat Planet Cuties Episode 8 Review

We Had A Duel

Summary in 10 words
Kettō Shimashita

Shooting guns is more fun when people don't get hurt.
Favorite line
"Is the food bad? Sorry, but it's still no reason to get violent."

Our opening narration gives reference to the classic 1970's show Starsky & Hutch, even using the voice actors names for the roles they play. After reading up on that show, they're lucky they got 4 seasons out of it considering the actor who played Starsky, Paul Michael Glaser, wanted out of his contract halfway thru the show's run. Add on, I assume parent groups, complaining about TV violence forcing them to tone it down and you get a show that might've lasted double the amount of seasons it did. Oh well, at least it's better than that shitty movie remake with Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson.

Afterwards, we visit the Saitama Super Arena again where Underside of Kitten Paw is having another rally. But this time, Antonia is at the Catian Embassy (Kio's house) to break the news that Eris doesn't want them to worship her and should accept their bodies despite the lack of kitty ears and tails.

There goes Underside Of Kitten Paw's tax benefits.

But if they really want to follow Eris' message, they should be nice to everyone regardless of who they are. With that message, Kitten Paw goes from being a religious cult to being more like a fan club. Meow.

"If y'all done here, i'm gonna go shoot my shots with Aoi and Manami."

With that out the way, Kio joins Aoi and Manami in the Catian simulator so he can learn to shoot guns. Aoi has new quasi antimatter bullets that are based off the Assistaroids' weapons that destroys non-living objects in a effort to disarm rather than harm. Manami, feeling her job is done, walks off to give Aoi and Kio some alone time in the shooting range.

I seen enough movies to know where this is headed.

Eris and Ichika are in the living room talking about the spiritron force powered cards that helped Aoi fight off the Dogsian Assistaroids from the last episode. Eris thinks the excel form cards are magic, but they're really just advanced technology according to Ichika.

So no one is wondering where Ichika got these excel cards from and why she's helping them? No? ok

That's when Manami beams down to the living room and joins in on eating cookies and tea allowing Aoi to "learn a few things".

Next we see Doggy Ears replaying footage of Aoi smacking down her robots. Even though they were unsuccessful in their mission, she was able to gain more information on Kio's Krew. She needs to find a way to show the humans that partnering with the Catians makes no sense. She's also trying to figure out what's with the cards that were left on her robots and Aoi.

This whole episode Doggy Ears is Confused Dog Meme.

Back on the ship, Kio and Aoi are in a dojo simulation training for hand to hand combat. He charged her and she effortlessly took him down with one hand.

If he's giving up after a simple toss, it's no wonder why Manami kicks his ass so often.

He immediately gives up so they change to a resort sim where she asks him why he suddenly wants to fight now. He explains how useless he feels while she's a (not so) secret agent, Eris is a space traveler/ambassador and Manami went from CIA trainee to security guard. He envies how they have careers while he's doing nothing in life with no skills whatsoever. Yet, Aoi envies how normal of a life he has while her family abandoned her.

"You girls have cool jobs and awesome skills while i'm a simp who can't fight with no career goals or skills to speak of."

After he noticed they haven't seen Manami in a while, Aoi beamed back down to find her eating ice cream and watching TV. She's pretty peeved that Manami isn't taking training serious so she shoots the bowl out of her hand.

Friends are those who shoot deserts out your hands with their quasi antimatter gun because you skipped out on training.

That sparked a submission match which resulted in Aoi shooting Manami in the chest to get out of a broom assisted hold.

Manami's boob makes its return to the show.

In retaliation, Manami shot off Aoi's glasses (it's not like she actually needs them anyway). Then in their standoff, they took turns shooting each other's clothes off.

Any girl who's showing vag root, y'know the base of your vagina, you're pulling your shorts down trying to get laid.

With half of their clothes gone, they eventually decided to settle the standoff later with the loser doing whatever the winner commands her to do.

I appreciate this is uncensored by the way.

Of course Kio walks in wondering what's with all the commotion and freaks out at what he sees like a simp (again, this is HIS house). And OF COURSE, Manami calls him a perv for walking in HIS LIVING ROOM while her boob is hanging out.

Ever noticed no one has pubes in this show?

We see the two women who were driving around this whole episode go through a checkpoint and apparently, they work for Doggy Ears. In the meantime, Aoi and Manami traveled to the woods for some combat training in order to settle their differences. Aoi makes her way to a large tree then takes cover when she heard a noise. It was only a boar, but a snake tried to strike her so she grabbed its head mid flight and pinned it to the tree.

That was pretty badass how she caught the snake and pinned it's fangs into the tree.

Manami figured Aoi would go for the vantage point, so she trekked the long way around to sneak up behind her. Aoi had the same thought so she decided to take the path that will cut her off. As they made their way to their desired locations, they had internal monologues about each other. Aoi couldn't get over that Manami will get herself killed if she doesn't take training serious. While Manami couldn't believe that Aoi hasn't figured out that she's trying to leave her alone with Kio on purpose to better the chances of them hooking up.

Then like a dark cloud of doubt and regret came over Aoi and Manami, it started raining so they were stuck until the skies cleared. Once the rain stopped, they were off shooting at each other after Manami gave away her position shooting at a bird. Manami shot behind trees while Aoi hid behind a van looking for a opening. She finally took her chance and charged her but she dropped her clip tripping over a bird during reload. Since Manami knew Aoi was out of bullets, she won their little war game.

Learned how to shoot from military training vs learned how to shoot from watching movies.

So as "punishment", she first wanted Aoi to give Kio a "big ol' kiss". Since that's too much for this highly trained assassin, she just have to call Kakuza by his first name just like everyone else. Suddenly, Manami has a red dot on her forehead meaning they have company.

I would say why didn't they shoot Aoi, but considering she survived 2 explosions, a bullet to the head is probably nothing.

They was able to figure out the snipers' location and used Manami as bait to draw their attention from Aoi. They fired their second shot as Manami charged them and once again living up to her "Charm Momiji" moniker, Aoi shot Manami in the chest so the live ammunition bullet got erased by the Catian bullet. They tried to retreat but Manami was close enough to shoot their clothes off.

Sorry, you don't get to see sniper boobs (or pussy).

Now naked, they tried to run away, but Aoi and the Assistaroids were right behind them.

At this point, they probably wished those were live rounds in her gun.

They returned that evening to a hot meal Kio and the Assistaroids cooked. At first Aoi called him by his last name, but it took repeated pinches on her leg by Manami to get her to call him by his first name. He didn't notice the change so like the hotheaded psycho she is, Manami puts him in a Rear Naked Choke promising to strangle the cluelessness out of him. We end the show with Doggy Ears receiving a crate of her two naked defeated snipers inside.

I'm not too fond of Manami, but I share her amazement at how dense Aoi is when it comes to leaving her with Kio alone. You would think a master tactician like her could figure out that Manami is ditching them two so they can get together without Eris' interference. Especially since she said she will help her out in getting him to notice her more than as a friend. Also, how does a trained assassin lose in simulated gun play to someone who wasn't supposed to be that good at shooting anyway? Hell, how two snipers get beat by two 16 year old girls when they had the high ground? They deserved getting stuffed naked in a box for that incompetence. Stay tuned for Episode 9!

Clothes shot off by a teen girl, stuffed into a crate naked and shipped to your boss' lair. Talk about a bad day at the office.

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