Thursday, August 27, 2020

Lets Splurge On The Animation Budget! Cat Planet Cuties Episode 12 Review

I Came To Find You

Summary in 10 words
Mitsuke ki Nimashita

Bicker. Make Out. Save The World. Embrace Your Three Girlfriends
Favorite line
"I'm a seagull"

We're on the homestretch of this series as we pick up where we left off last episode. Nina tells Kio it will take 30 minutes to fill the rocket's gas tank (Why couldn't he create a rocket with a full tank of rocket fuel?). Unfortunately, they don't have that kind of time because the NATO tanks are right outside their door.

I only chose this screenshot to get Antonia's and Nina's faces in the review.

So Antonia's maids intercepted the tanks on snow bikes using Catian bullets and missiles to make them disappear.

While they buy Kio's Krew some time, Eris noticed how nervous Kio was about flying a rocket for the first time ever. She was getting too close for Manami's liking so she told Aoi to get in there and confess her feelings to Kio before it's too late. Aoi was annoyed she's bringing that up again considering she's doing the same thing in suppressing her feelings for him. Kio asked why they chose now to get into it with each other as Eris suggested they should be helping one another and put off the bickering for later.

That prompted Manami to finally express her true feelings about Eris. She hates how she swooped into Kio's life with her perfect catgirl body, huge tits and sweet & innocent personality. She was in love with Kio long before Eris came into the picture but she pushed Aoi to confess to him because she felt she deserved a chance at him before she go for it herself. Good ole Eris finding simple solutions to complicated problems decides that since the three of them love Kio, they get into a polygamous relationship with him since Catian law allows multiple partners.

"On your planet, it's called polygamy. It's popular in Muslim countries and in a American state called Utah!"

As it's sinking in to Kio what Eris just proposed, we go back to the battlefield as the maids fight off helicopters. Sara was knocked out of her Assistroid robot and was about to be ran over by a tank, but Maya saved her and they finished off the rest of the troops.

I didn't get to use the Maya and Sara back to back screenshot in Episode 5 so here they are in the cold.

After getting word that the tank is full, Nina and Antonia told them that they are clear for takeoff. So off they go into space as the maids watch on and the sun rises.

LOL the Assistroids turned the tank into a wind up toy.

After intermission, Kio, Aoi and Manami are checking out the view of Earth from the window. Kio remarked how great it would be if everyone on Earth could get along (that ain't happening) or better yet, everyone in the universe as Eris puts it. Luros popped out of the "Professor Jameson" and received orders to build the warp engine with the Assistroids.

"All right! We have extra money in the animation budget for the climatic final space battle. Make it look good!"

Easier said than done with the Dogsian Captain and her massive fleet of spacecrafts heading towards them from their orbital base.

When faced with insurmountable odds and your give a damn's busted, all there's left to do is say "Fuck It" and make out with your love interest:

First up is Aoi finally getting that perfect romantic kiss.


Next up is Manami fighting her fears and getting in a longer long awaited kiss.

She's finally out of the friend zone!

Not wanting to feel left out, Eris cuts in and plants a wallpaper worthy kiss in front of Earth.

You can slap that screenshot on a poster, screensaver, phone cover, etc!

When you're willing to sacrifice your life on a suicide mission to protect those you love, you give him something to remember you by if you don't make it him your boobs:

Here's Aoi taking off her glasses that's more for fashion than function.

Her boob is the same size as her nose.

This may be the only time Manami doesn't call him a pervert for seeing her boobs.

"GAH! MANAMI'S BOOBS! Please don't strangle me or kick me in the dick! I wasn't looking I swear!" 

You can't handle a frontal shot of Eris' boobs so here's some side boob.

She puts her tail down through the premade hole in case you was wondering how she wear these different outfits.

They changed into armored battlesuits in order to bring the dogfight to the Dogsian Captain so Kio will have enough time to go into warp drive. Dogsian Captain fired a flurry of missiles at Kio's ship, but he was able to escape and made it through to the other side crashing into the Catian mothership. Melwin and her crew returned from hyperspace to fight off the Dogsian Assistroids as Sarokichi and Nakamura unfroze time with the Accel Cards.

"Let's take back our ship and euthanize these Dogsians!" "YEAH!"

Kio made his way through the enemy robots with help from the powersuit Kuune gave him. He even took down their giant Assistroid much to Chaika's surprise. He met up with the other Catians and they took him to the computer room so he can restart it. Since he's not Catian, his request was denied. Melwin and Durel had to remind him that Kuune's bell can change his genetic structure so he can become a catboy and reset the ship's systems.

If Kio fucked Eris (LOL) while he's a catboy, would it be called kitty style?

Back to the space fight, Eris, Manami and Aoi sliced and diced through the armada leaving the Dogsian Captain the only one left to put down. After Eris critically damaged the ship, they finished her off with a triple beam attack (so much for not believing in killing).

Nah bitch, we gon' die.

The ship crashed into the Dogsian orbital base causing it to plummet towards Japan. Aoi and Manami flew to the base attempting to increase its reentry angle so it will burn up in the atmosphere (Why not disintegrate it with your Catian weapons?). Eris is helpless to save them because her engine blew out and their battlesuits can't withstand reentry. Just as they were saying their goodbyes to this world, Kio saves them leaving the base to breakup in the atmosphere. It gave the appearance of shooting stars visible in broad daylight to Yuichi and Maki who are fixing up the damage at Kio's house.

I got nothing to add here. I just wanted to screenshot Maki doing repair work while still in a kitty costume.

His cat also returned from chilling out at the beach. Eris, Manami and Aoi changed out of their battlesuits and dogpiled Kio only to be shocked that he's now a catboy. Kuune is feeling better now as the Catians took back control of their ship and is ready to present their gift to Earth. At Kio's house, Antonia is digging the cat ears but Kio is ready to change back much to Eris' disappointment. Then Maki runs in to tell them to come outside.

"If you wasn't intending on using that last panel, I could've installed a glass door instead while I was here earlier."

The Catians' present to Earth is a space elevator, which looks like a Christmas Tree (Especially since it's causing it to snow outside).

Sooo, is this Christmas Tree shaped space elevator gonna stay like this permanently over town or naw?

The world is saved, the Dogsians are dead, the Catians established a connection with Earth, Kio has three girlfriends and Kio's Krew gets to celebrate a White Christmas. Not too shabby!

This was the hardest episode to select screenshots for. Sooooo many things happened in this episode where I had like, 40 different scenes I could've chose from. There's the full tank notification, Eris' battlesuit, Dogsian Captain wanting Muttley to "throw me a bone" and save her, Kio's cat returning, among other things. I had to make hard choices before to get it down to 20, but I really had to make some sacrifices to trim it down to my self-imposed limitation. I could've just used 30 screenshots, then I would have to go back and add 10 more to the previous episodes and I didn't want to open up that can of worms.

How insecure do you have to be to have big boobs and yet, are still jealous that another girl has bigger boobs than you? Yeah, it has more to do with Eris dropping into Kio's life, immediately connecting with him and nearly having sex multiple times (if he wasn't such a simp). While Manami is over here in the friend zone because she couldn't work up the courage to say she like him. Kio thinking JACK was her boyfriend didn't help matters either.

At least Aoi has a reasonable excuse for why she couldn't open up to him. She's filled with self-doubt as to why a sweet, harmless guy want a merciless hitwoman like her? I'd be more concerned that enemies would hold him hostage as a way to expose her only weakness. It's like after Spider-Man revealed he was Peter Parker, Aunt May and Mary Jane became targets with May getting shot. In other words, since everyone knows who she is, they would target him to get to her. But that's all in the past now as this love square(?) was resolved by Eris deciding they will share Kio in the name of polygamy, or at least friends with benefits.

The creators of this show really blew through whatever extra money they had in their animation budget on that space firefight. It was like I was watching a completely different anime. All that was missing was a elaborate transformation sequence. Not that I'm complaining.

Anyway, there's a OVA after this episode so I don't know what to expect here. According to the description, Manami and Aoi is trying to prevent embarrassing footage on a DVD from getting out. I'm guessing it's about the time they wore sexy bunny outfits and jacked a boat to rescue Eris and Kio while the director was still shooting the movie from Episode 5. Sounds like it's gonna be heavy on the fan service. Oh boy.

Oh, and Ichika was revealed to be Catian in the post credits scene! That explains the hat. Stay tuned for the OVA!

"What? Another episode? Am I getting paid for this OVA special? Ugh, FINE I do it if it's only for the DVD."

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