Thursday, August 20, 2020

Break The Walls Down. Cat Planet Cuties Episode 5 Review

We've Come To Rescue You

Summary in 10 words
Tasuke ki Nimashita

Bunnies break into ship, break out Eris, break down ship.
"Executive Officer Sara is a sucker for cats and all things cute. As a result, she left a career as an up and coming SAS Elite and ended up a cult member on a boat full of lunatics"

Episode 5 starts us off with narration that parodies "The Tape Scene" from Mission: Impossible (1966 TV Series). Then we see Kio and Eris wake up in a bed in a large room on that big ass cruse ship. Eyepatch Maid enters telling them that Eris is the "divine embodiment" that Antonia predicted would come. Eris tried to use her deity status to have them release her and Kio from the ship, but they were given a fest instead.

"Since you're gonna be here awhile, you rather as well gorge on food."

In the Captain's Quarters, Antonia talks to Scarface Maid about the giant Assist Droid that will allow her to get close to Eris without her getting suspicious. Meanwhile, Top Bitch tracked down the Underside of Kitten Paw cult and sets off to wreck their shit.

Back at the weapons depot, Aoi talks to the dealer about getting a powerboat, unfortunately it was already book to someone else.

"I already have these guns, even that cannon over there."

But it turns out it was booked to Cool Uncle Yuichi who rented the boat for a director friend for a upcoming movie he's shooting.

"Check out the powerboat I rented. It's so badass even the Miami Police Department used it fighting against drug cartels!"

After getting their fill of food, Eris decided to break herself out with help from the power didn't work. When she's in heat, she's a danger to herself and others so the suit's powers are deactivated for the time being.

"Strength enhancement function restricted due to mating season. Well shit, looks like we're gonna be here a little longer."

As she freaks out about not being able to use her powers, Scarface Maid introduces them to the giant Assist Droid (with Antonia inside) who takes them to her play room.

"There's no one in the suit so stop asking!"

Antonia quickly pulled Eris over to the Merry-go-round as Kio talks to Scarface Maid about why the arcade cabinets are only for single player.

"Again, there's no one in the suit."

Then she tells him Antonia's backstory where after inheriting her granddad's money, she formed the Kitten Paw religion and finally found her purpose to life.

"What kind of bum only plays single player?"

That night, Aoi and Manami jumped out of a plane and landed in Chichijima so they can replace the prop guns with real ones and steal the boat to rescue Eris and Kio.

"I sure hope Yuichi spent extra on boat rental insurance."

But they took so long working on the boat, the director Kawasaki mistakenly found his "Powerboat Girls" for his Twin Rabbit movie. So the next day, they're on set for the movie in their Lovely Sexy bunny costumes.

"I sure hope this double sided tape is water resistant."

They quickly ran from the trailer to the dock and stole the powerboat with the Assist Droids on a raft tied to the back of the boat.

"So long suckers!"

They sped off to the Kitten Paw base (with the camera crew shooting behind them) creating a diversion so Manami's Assist Droid Yun-Fat can shoot a hole in the hull for them to enter. At the same time, Top Bitch arrived firing top secret missiles that teleported from a military helicopter to the ship and got on board as well.

If Aoi can survive a boat explosion, she can walk off getting knock out of a train just fine Eyepatch Maid.

After they switched outfits, Kio was able to get Eris' suit working and punch through the wall since he's not in heat and met up with Manami.

This will probably be the most badass thing Kio does in this show.

Meanwhile, Aoi was destroying the engine room's systems when she was attacked by Top Bitch who threw her around like a rag doll thanks to her own battle suit. She tried to attack, but "things made with canine technology (like Aoi's suit) is designed so they can't attack dogs".

Aoi got worked in this scene. LOL

Aoi managed to force her out of the suit by shutting off the power supply, but Top Bitch jumped out of the suit, trapped her under steal beams and blew up the room.

"You think your scrawny ass can beat me? Bitch please."

As Eris and friends headed for the exit, Scarface Maid (Maya) confronts them threatening to shoot them if they don't hand back Eris.

A friend is someone who shoots at you after you seen them naked. Not someone who waits on you hand and foot.

But Antonia had a change of heart and asked them to join her crew in escaping the ship after hearing Kio's friendship speech. However, Kio has to go find Aoi who's unconscious in the engine room. As the others abandon ship, Top Bitch flies off from the sinking ship as Kawasaki continues to film.

Antonia may have lost money on that ship, but Kawasaki saved money on the boat scene for his movie.

Kio was able to find Aoi and rejoin the others as she confesses to him thinking it's all a dream.

Kio living out his action movie fantasies.

I really like how fast these episodes are going by and all the action and drama that goes into it. I don't have any rants in me for this episode because everyone involved seemed to have done what was expected of them. Okay I do have one gripe, how the hell Manami not notice Kawasaki coming from behind her? Even if he was under the platform, you would think her CIA training would teach her to be aware of her surroundings. But I guess being all in Aoi's business distracted her so much she couldn't hear a large muscular man walking up the steps.

She would be dead here in America.

Oh, and Téa Gardner would be proud of Kio's friendship speech. Stay tuned for Episode 6!

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