Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Time To Earn That TV-MA Rating! Cat Planet Cuties Episode 3 Review

We've Come To Stay

Summary in 10 words
Tomari ki Nimashita

Teen girls get naked for blatant fan service. Thanks Japan.
Favorite line
"Are you tired?"

When I first tried to watch this show on Funimation's website, they gave it a TV-MA rating and wanted me to signup (and pay $8) to watch it (fuck that). But why would a catgirl show get the same rating as The Sopranos, True Blood, Game of Thrones or any other HBO show? There must be some nudity involved in this show to push it past TV-14. Now that I'm on the third episode, I can safely say they earned that MA rating.

We start the episode with our fourth Star Trek reference, this time with narration that parodies the original Star Trek opening monologue. Then we go to a meeting between the five Catia members: Captain Kuune, Eris, Durel, Melwin and Chaika and Japan's governmental leaders.

Totally normal business meeting in Japan.

Eris figured wearing school swimsuits would help them in negotiations against the all male government employees and so far, her plan worked.

Why didn't Funimation just replace the kanji with English like they're about to do with the Assist Droids?

But the Dogsians are having their own secret meeting with some more Japanese government officials where they are briefed on Eris, Kio, Aoi, Manami and Maki.


The top dog made it known that the Dogsians where there first and she be damned if she let the Catians invade her territory. 

"I'm That Bitch!"

Meanwhile, Manami noticed she was being watched so she called Aoi so they can pack up and make their getaway. But first, they wanted to say their goodbyes to Kio and Eris. Since they betrayed their bosses, it wasn't safe for them to stick around any longer.

I just noticed Eris is still wearing the swimsuit.

But Kuune noted that since the Catians are using Kio's house as their embassy, they will be safe there from retaliation by the CIA and Immigration Bureau of Japan. With that dilemma resolved, Aoi and Manami moved in with Kio and Eris. As the Assist Droids brought Manami's stuff over to Kio's house, we see someone lurking around up to no good. But never mind that shit, let's get into some anime hijinks that earned this show a MA rating!

So we start off with Kio sitting on a stool (with no soap) when the Assist Droid #6 offered to wash his back. He opens up that he feels guilty about costing his friends their jobs and wants to make it right to them. 

"Yeah, why girls get nipples but boys don't? Eris, Manami, and Aoi gets nipples AND areolas while all I get are lines! :("

The droid tried to cheer him up and pleaded for him to be more confident in himself. Then Eris entered offering to scrub his back and rubbed her boobs on his back.

16 year old anime catgirl boobs? Yep, that'll get you a MA rating in America.

Of course, this draws the attention of Manami and in stereotypical anime girl fashion, she was not happy about it and got violent with our male protagonist.


She swung a broom at them, which they both ducked, and they ran to the living room where they meet Aoi. For some reason he tried to cover up Eris' boobs with his hands and ended up in another compromising position.

"I don't remember seeing this sexual position in your magazine Kio."

And like the simp he is, I assume he got beat up by Manami for...anime reasons. So next we see Manami's boobs because why stop showing 16 year old anime girl boobs now? 

So why was she freaking out over Eris' big boobs when hers aren't exactly small either?

She asks what Aoi see in Kio, who thought Manami was in to him. Manami revealed she did come close to liking him, but since he treated her like "one of the guys", they simply became friends. Then we get a shot of Aoi's boobs because if you're gonna show 16 year old anime boobs, you rather as well go all the way.

I guess they don't take bubble baths in Japan. Like this, you rather as well take a shower instead of sit in your own filth.

After we see our mystery person spy on the droids, Aoi reasoned he can't like her because she's "not an ordinary girl". After demonstrating her ability to teleport items within a 50 meter radius, she gave her backstory where her family abandoned her because of her special powers (called it). So with no family or friends to tie her down, she became a assassin for seedy organizations. And because of that history, there is no way she could be compatible with him.

Then the alarm goes off due to our mysterious spy stealing a droid and getting away in a car...

It can't be easy running down a dark street with a eyepatch on.

Until Aoi shot out the tire with a sniper rifle and caught up to the crashed car on a motorcycle with Manami. With their guns drawn she asks who sent them, but instead they got a stun grenade for a response and the attempted kidnappers got away.

Bad Girls For Life
Kio and Eris chased after them to see if they were OK and surprise surprise, we find another way to blame him for anime reasons. Kio sees that Manami and Aoi are still naked after the chase, so like a rational human being, Manami shot at him while Aoi hid in the getaway car. After emptying the clip on him, she hit him in the face with her helmet.

"Let's see you dance!"

She was still mad after the whole ordeal even when Aoi (rightfully) explained they were the ones who chased the intruders nude and he only followed because he cares about them. This confirms that Aoi really likes Kio and she shouldn't let her past stop her from expressing her feelings because if she doesn't hookup with him, Eris will.

The next day, Eris hired them as official Catian embassy members with Manami and Aoi working security. Then JACK calls Manami to warn her that another organization is targeting Eris and that's where we find out that her name is short for Janis Alectos Carotenas Karinato (That's a long name). This whole time Kio thought she had a boyfriend since she acted so secretive when JACK called, but with that cleared up there's a opening for Manami to have feelings for him as well. We close the episode with the attempted kidnapping maid apologizing for not bringing the droid to her catboss(?) on a cruise ship.

She must be loaded to afford a cruise ship.
This was your obligatory fan service episode that checked off your typical anime tropes like:

  • Big tits teen girls
  • Nude teen girls
  • Big tits flopping around that would kill her back while running without a sports bra
  • Male protagonist being called a pervert over sexual things out of his control
  • Male protagonist being attacked by female friend over perversions
  • Highly detailed female body parts compared to lowly detailed male bodies.

I'm sure there are more, but I want to move this review along. I spent most of this review talking about teen boobs, so let's talk about teen butts. Here's Kio's butt:

Hank Hill laughs at your butt Kio
Look at how sad his butt is. He's from a distance so you get a little crack but that's it. Now here's Manami's butt:

Above average boobs, average butt.

There's more detail to it like an accurate butt crack but nothing too outrageous. In other words, it's a normal butt. Now here's Aoi butt:

Shortchanged boob wise, more than makes up for it butt wise.

Goddamn that's alot of detail! Not only is it a upward shot of her butt, it's like she's arching her back to get maximum butt exposure in the shot. I will never understand the appeal of hentai since I can just watch porn with real adult humans. Oh well, maybe it's because I don't find 16 year old girls attractive. Even if they are alien catgirls. Stay tuned for Episode 4!

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