Sunday, August 16, 2020

Here's Kitty McBoobson! Cat Planet Cuties Episode 1 Review

The Cat Who Fell To Earth

Summary in 10 words
Chikiu ni Ochite Kita Neko

Boy meets big tit catgirl, friends are living double lives.
Favorite line
"If you got a thing for furries, then wait until you're an adult to indulge it!"

I first came across this anime a few years ago while I was watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I saw it in my recommendations and I was wondering what's up with this big tit catgirl? I watched the first episode and skipped to the last episode because there's no way in hell I'm watching a catgirl anime. Over time, I kept thinking about this anime, even asking Reddit what's the name of it since I didn't bother to get the name of it the first time. So here I am reviewing each episode of "Asobi ni Iku Yo!" (Literal translation "Let's Go Play!), better known as Cat Planet Cuties.

We start off with a news report about a message from space about someone coming to Earth. 

Look at this shit! Did they even TRY to make that English text look natural? They didn't even use the right font! LOL

Meanwhile, a ship is being attacked by armed men until a woman in a powersuit jumps aboard and kills the gunmen only for the ship to be blown up. Whoops. I'm only a casual anime fan, so I must say it's amusing how dub companies don't even bother to edit out the Japanese text like 4Kids used to do. Sure, it's more "authentic" but that shit looks tacky when they add English to the kanji. It's like they don't even try to make the English text look natural.

SFFTPAS doesn't exactly roll off the tongue like say, NASCAR, UNICEF or FAMU.
 After the title card, we see Kio walking home with beers for his Uncle's party. After razzing Kio about not having a girlfriend, he tries to hook him up with catgirl Eris.

Why does she have 4 ears?

She told her story about how she landed on Earth and met Kio's cat, who ran away, at the beach who told her where she can meet some nice people and great food.

Face down ass up that's the way we like to fuck.

Kio was so stunned by the situation, he mistakenly drunk the beer he took away from her and passed out. I'd say that's what he gets for taking that beer from her and making a big deal about her being underage when he's out here buying beers while...UNDERAGE!!!

"Yeah, Kio's a simp, but he likes cats so he should REALLY like you! Anyway, you can sleep anywhere you want Eris."

The next day, he woke up with her in his bed which caused him to fall out and hurt his head.

What? You never had a half-naked catgirl sleep in your bed before?

Lucky for him, she has that healing spray trainers use on injured soccer players

Where are your nipples?

Unlucky for him, he has guests that aren't too thrilled he has a half naked catgirl running around his house. I smell misunderstanding our protagonist to be a pervert cliche.

"Don't you want to pet my kitty?"

One of his friends is Manami who is just all in his business since she spies on him from her window across the street (That's not creepy at all...).

It's not anime without a panty shot of a teenage girl.

His friends think he's a furry for dressing up a girl in a cat costume, but Eris wanted to prove she's a real catgirl by having them stroke her.


Maki wanted even more proof that Eris was a alien, so she had her ship, that was shown on TV being caught in a fishing net, fly away. Afterwards, they left, but this being anime, they had that serious look on their face like they're not what they claim to be. As Kio feeds Eris in his room, she explains more about where she's from and why she's here. It turns out she here to foster good will from a planet called Catia (They actually call their own planet Earth, but changed it to Catia so it won't be confusing to humans).

"Is it normal for you humans to have a laser pointed at your window?"

During their conversation, Manami spies on them with her camera that has a sniper laser scope to it and we see a whole bunch of guns in her room. one's gonna ask why this teenage Japanese girl have a stockpile of guns like an teenage American boy?

As she contacts a A&W(!!!) drinking woman, we find out she's training to be part of some sort of group that I assume wants to capture Eris.

Of all the American companies to have product placement in a anime, A&W has to be the most random ever.
Maki logs into a internet chatroom where we find out she's leader of a secret society whose mission is to achieve "Beautiful Contact" with aliens, but don't want the first alien humans meet to be a catgirl. They have members in the Air Force and Navy, so yeah, they're gonna fuck shit up as well with their high powered American contacts and whatnot.

This doesn't look live a evil cult meeting at all...

The next day, Kio leaves to give some DVDs back to Aoi when a guy interrupts and gives her a lift in his car. Turns out she's not what she claims to be either. She's a special agent whose job is to kill illegal immigrants and can't be hurt due to her powers. 

"Don't you EVER try to blow my cover again! Got it motherfucker!?!"
So we find out that each of Kio's friends are part of their own group that want to take out Eris for their own separate reasons because this is Japan. 

Isn't this a bit excessive of a reaction over a catgirl?

Misunderstandings and refusal to talk it out is the norm here so instead of just waiting to see if this catgirl is a threat, you go in guns blazing without considering the possibility that it could trigger a interplanetary war.(I shouldn't talk shit, these are the same reasons why superhero fights happen because they punch first, ask questions later as well).

At least Manami is surveying the target before eliminating it first.
I thought I would be annoyed with this show, but at least with this episode I wasn't. There was your typical anime tropes like:

  • Big tits in outfits that wouldn't work without double sided tape.
  • Calling the male protagonist a perv. 
  • Glasses wearing character repeatedly pushing up glasses.
  • Characters overreaction to busty character.

I'm sure there are some more I missed since I don't watch anime that much. Anyway, my main problem from this episode is how the hell Manami get away with all these guns in her room? Hell, here in America, if someone has semi-automatics and handguns lined up along the wall like this, that person is definitely getting placed on a watch list. You're telling me she knows about his porn stash under his bed but he doesn't know about her being a gun nut? Considering he's the kind of person who just let people waltz into his house like they have a spare key, it shouldn't be a surprise.

Also, what kind of high powered camera does Manami have? She says she lives across the street from him but can see clearly into his room like she's next door. Yeah, he doesn't have curtains or blinds, but you would think a tree or a street light would block her sightline. Seriously, how are these houses made where she can see ACROSS THE STREET from her bedroom to his? Stay tuned for Episode 2!

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