Sunday, February 7, 2021

Top Ten Reddit Posts of [deleted] Super Bowl Edition

It's Super Bowl Sunday! One of the few sporting events to be watched by fans of the sport as well as those who don't give a shit about the game and are only there to be part of the experience! Maybe it's because of the subreddit I chose or because it's hard to make football sexy but there is not as much nudity as I thought it would be (However, if you're an Ass Man, then today's your lucky day). Oh well, I still got enough posts to complete this blog so we will continue the series "Top Ten Reddit Posts of [Insert Reddit User]". Next up is [deleted].

Cake Day

August 21, 2009


10. Super Bowl Sunday nip slip

9. Football

8. Football Time

7. Are you ready for some football?

6. My GF likes to watch football, so this is how she gets her way...

5. she's ready for some football

4. My friend joined the lingerie football league..

3. Football lover

2. I like football season.

1. I always did love flag football

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