Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Busted Pipe Chronicles, Day 4: Overnight Stay At A Hotel

I, like many Texans, had their pipes burst and home flooded with water. Here is my story.

I needed three covers just to stay warm in this apartment with no heat and a giant hole in the ceiling. And with no electricity, I really need to find somewhere else to live at this moment since my landlord is not answering my calls. So I called that list of hotels the hospital social worker gave me again and found one with a vacancy. It was a long drive but at least it was a warm bed.

I nearly passed it since the back of the building faces the highway. I had to go on a side road to get to the front of the hotel. And I must say, this place is a lot bigger than it looks from outside. There's a indoor swimming pool, barbershop, restaurant, bar, jungle gym and a fountain! My room was on the second floor overlooking the concourse below. It was nice looking with paintings on the wall and ruffled sheets but I was more concerned with the Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, my computer's firewall blocked access to it so I was still without internet for the time being. I probably could've allowed access but I didn't want to invite any viruses along the way so after watching ESPN the rest of the day, I went to bed.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 5: On to Another Hotel in The Busted Pipe Chronicles.

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