Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Busted Pipe Chronicles, Day 3: Back At Home

I, like many Texans, had their pipes burst and home flooded with water. Here is my story.

It's the next morning and my back is sore while my legs are still asleep. As I was trying to wake them up, a nurse walked in telling me a social worker will visit me at 9 AM. It's now 10 AM so I walked up to the nurse at a desk and she said the social worker reviewed my case and doesn't see any viable alternative right now so just stick around for longer while she figures things out. Two hours go by and the nurse walked in with lunch. A turkey sandwich with chips, pudding and a orange, not bad considering the bad rap hospital food gets!

At around 3 PM, the social worker steps in and gave me a list of area hotels to call since she can't get in contact with the Red Cross. I called the hotels and they were either fully booked or didn't have their phones on. Two more hours go by and the social worker stated they need this room for another person so my options is a hotel, relative or warming station. Hotels are booked, warming stations are not a viable spot for overnight stays and my relatives live too far away from me. So it looks like I'm going back home.

The roads are full of slush so it took a while to get back to my apartment. When I opened my door, it seemed like it was colder indoors than it was outdoors! At least the water is gone thanks to the firemen removing the toliet so the water could drain out. It smelled like insulation with all of that crap on the floor and table and a big gaping hole in my ceiling. I have got to find permanent housing somehow but in the meantime, I get to sleep in my own bed again.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 4: Overnight Stay At A Hotel in The Busted Pipe Chronicles.

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