Sunday, August 18, 2024

TABA Died For Nothing! Taimanin RPGX Extasy EOS In Less Than A Year!

This is something I should've posted at the beginning of August instead of in the middle of it, but I was busy with another porn game. In a way, this is appropriate considering the Taimanin RPGX Extasy devs didn't really give a shit about the global release so why should I give a shit about creating a profound eulogy of this buggy piece of shit game? The game came to Steam on November 1st, 2023, and Nutaku on the 23rd but was promptly shutdown in just 8 months on August 1, 2024. There were so many comical self-inflicted fuck ups that doomed the game from the start. And what made it worse is Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena died for this bullshit!

During Anime Month 2022, the first porn game I played was Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena. It was a simple card battler where you put your cards against your opponents and whoever is strongest wins. It was the first time I entered the Taimaninverse and man, it's a fucked-up world. These "ninjas" supposedly have these amazing powers where they can solo an army but when they come across a random orc or Fuuma himself, they're like "OH NOES! I've been defeated!". I liked the character designs for the most part but hated the censorship but that's Japan for you.

I think our edition of TABA was 4 years behind Japan so by the time we got to the end of the story, Japan was already playing Taimanin RPGX. So Fuuma and Asagi was fighting Edwin Black, and they reset the timeline to give us the new world of Taimanin RPGX Extasy. Yeah, I rather stay in TABA thank you very much. At least it wasn't such a shitshow that it got removed from global platforms in less than a year. So, let's get to my actual experience with TRPGXE.

This game had so many goddamn loading screens and would often be stuck a 0% for me.

I preregistered with the game, so I got free Taima Crystals and bonus energy to start off with once it finally released on Nutaku. This is where the trouble started when apparently a lot of people got too many Crystals when leveling up their characters. Rather than fix the bug and give everybody gems to make up the difference in those who took advantage of their fuckup and those who didn't, they simply put those users into debt. Unsurprisingly, this didn't go over well with most people and their Steam page got review bombed. They had 1 chance to make a first impression to a worldwide audience and pissed on themselves while pissing off users.

It's not often that you can say a review bombing was well deserve due to the product's poor quality.

I didn't get debited because I couldn't even play the game half the time. My gameplay suffered from serious lag where even on 3x speed it looked like they were in quicksand. Multiple times the game would randomly show Japanese text, or a button would get obscured by something else. And those was the times when I actually got to the home screen because oftentimes the game would get a slow load error, and I have to go back to the title screen. Like goddamn, they're treating me like I'm using Windows 95 with all of this lagging and fail to load mess.

Yeah, I'm not gonna waste my time trying to translate that.

Then you have the Arena which was a broken mess of its own. Lag on the story battles were bad but PVP was godawful. I could leave for 10, 15 minutes and the fucking game would still be going on! There's at most 10 chibi characters on the screen so why the fuck is it lagging? I can play racing games on my computer no problem, so my internet speed wasn't the issue.

You can't tell me that 10 of these should slowdown a modern computer to a crawl.

As for the dialogue in story/event modes, holy fuck they won't shut up! There is so much filler in TRPGXE, an entire TABA event worth of dialogue is shorter in length than 1 TRPGXE chapter! Eventually I stopped caring about whatever the hell the characters were talking about and fast forwarded that shit because it went on for WAY too long. YET, for the TABA flashback scenes that made it to this game, they were shortened so if someone had 2 scenes in TABA, she only got 1 here, which was bullshit. But with all these issues, I kept playing until this incident.

I liked that you could go back to view cutscenes. The crafting of shards got pointless once you maxed out everything while the guild left a lot to be desired.

Going back to the PvP, despite the ridiculous lag I still had a nice winning streak going on. In fact, I believe I had a 113-game win streak, but the game didn't like that and decided to fuck me by crashing in the middle of a battle. Once I finally trudged through the muck to get back to this mode, it counted it as a loss and there goes my perfect rate. But what turned me off from the game was a bug where if Hebiko is in her octopus form, the game won't end even after defeating her. Closing the game counted as a loss so I was like "fuck this game" and stopped playing it.

Gee, I wonder why Taimanin RPGX Extasy got a Mosty Negative review on Steam?

I wasn't the only one as many people turned off this crappy ass game to the point that the developers decided to cut their losses and End of Service the global server (the game is thriving in its native Japan). Once I saw the EOS notice, I hopped back into the game and WOW, where the fuck was THIS when I first played! They fixed the lag, there's not as many standby messages, matches now can end in under a minute and no more Hebiko bug. Thanks to unlocking the auto rematch feature in VIP 2, I was blowing my energy on XP bonus challenges to level up my characters faster and used up all my Gacha Tickets to collect only 186 units out of 500. I couldn't buy Gacha Tickets or the characters with gold, so I had over 3 million left with nothing to spend it on as buying units costed paid gems which is bullshit itself.

It's a shame I never got 3 of Kotaro Fuma's closest allies Tokiko, Hebiko or Shikanosuke.

Overall, I won't miss this game at all like I did TABA. Sure, TRPGXE had chibi models and animations during battle, but I feel TABA did its job far better than this dumpster fire of a game. So other than the chibi models that I only founded out a couple days before its removal from Nutaku that I can view my team and look at their attacks by swiping the home screen, throw this game in the trash. I could always play Action Taimanin which has a positive reception on Steam but it's not a porn game (I like that they treat the different versions of characters as skins though). This was more of a rant than a tribute but tomorrow is a game I actually enjoyed.

My final team. Too bad I couldn't save these character models from the abyss.

P.S, while I was busy shitting on this game, I forgot to include some more observations I made.

The image on the left is Cerastes profile in the Taimanindex while on the right is her unit details. Even though both screens are similar, you can only change who your favorite is (the character that appears on the home screen) by clicking menu, then Taimanindex, then scrolling to whoever you want, click on her, then click on favorite. They rather have you do that than simply clicking on the Units tab on the bottom to get to your Units since you're going that way anyway to upgrade them. It's like the expression "Work Smarter, Not Harder" doesn't exist in Japan. 

Meanwhile, they did neither with Hisui's swimsuit profile as they gave her Donna's profile instead.

Due to the aforementioned cumbersome method of changing your favorite unit, I didn't get to see the quotes from every character I unlocked. A couple notable ones are Saya NEO wishing she could spend $20.32 to go on a killing spree like it's an All-You-Can-Eat buffet and Mutsuho breaking the 4th wall. Too bad they didn't give quotes for the N rarity Units.

BTW, these are the only times I actually saw Fuma's face even though he's the main protagonist.

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