Thursday, July 15, 2021

WorldStar Lunch Break iCandy: Pebbles


February 16 2009

"Harlem Anthem, Money Up" by Cash BFD Ft. DJ Webstar & Kiya


Our last woman of the day goes by the name Pebbles. It looks like she's in a storage room or backstage of a theater where they keep their equipment, props and set pieces. Anyway, not even 15 seconds in she get's the oil out (Oh God, I know where this is headed), rubs it on her ass and twerks for the next 2:30 (ugh). I get it. Twerking is the mating call to attract Black guys. Even though I don't care for it, most Black guys do and this series is for that demographic. But dammit, I wanted to see some tits and pussy and so far it's been underwhelming in that department, notable exceptions aside. I'm sounding like a broken record at this point so let me end this review before I rant about how many women named "Pebbles" there are.

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