Friday, December 25, 2020

Top Ten Reddit Posts Of [deleted] Christmas Edition

Today just didn't seem like Christmas with the restrictions in the name of "safety". So here's so holiday cheer with the series "Top Ten Reddit Posts of [Insert Reddit User]". Next up is [deleted].

Cake Day

December 25, 2012


10. I've been gone a while but I had to come back for Xmas :)

9. Giving the bf some Christmas Eve love the right way.

8. I know a gift you can give me be(f)ore Christmas...

7. Star Wars Christmas.

6. happy holidays [f]

5. [F] Happy Holidays!

4. Merry Xmas 🎄😜

3. It's my Nakedversary! For my cakeday, I present T&A! Thanks for the year o[f] love, Reddit!!

2. Just a little green dress (f)or the holidays...and I managed to sneak in my own pot of gold. 🔮💜

1. Christmas all alone :(

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