Monday, August 30, 2021

Worldstar iCandy Is Dead

Once again, my procrastinations, laziness and in general not appreciating the opportunities I have came back to bite me in the ass. It was only two weeks ago that was fully operational. Well, as operational as a website that haven't been updated in 5 years can be. It's like someone at Worldstar saw one of my posts and went "Wait, that Candy site is still up? Shut that shit down so we can use those servers for something else!". So now women who were only on that site and not crossposted to the main WSHH site is now deleted from history. Shit.

This always happens to me since I'm so piss poor at preparation. I wasn't prepared for the pandemic. I wasn't prepared for getting flooded out. And I wasn't prepared to do previews of every NFL team during the preseason. God bless the Internet Archive for saving this site so a dumb fuck like me can go back and record the models' Twitter accounts. At least I downloaded all the videos last year so I can continue the Lunch Break iCandy series. But eventually, my lack of preparation is gonna fuck me up so much I can't come back from it. Until then, I'll just go sulk in the corner and think about how much of a failure I am at research.

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