Thursday, November 25, 2021

Top Ten Reddit Posts Of [deleted] Thanksgiving 2021 Edition

If you've been with me for awhile, it wouldn't shock you for me to say that I'm not known for posting quality content. Alot of it comes off as amateurish, crude or just plainly half-assed. As you could probably tell, I didn't go full ass on this Thanksgiving post because I started on it late to due being out at different stores all day. Having said that, I posted it on time with minimal fuckups. There may be a spacing issue here or a wrong picture there but I got it out! So as you have dinner with family members you may or may not hate in person for the first time in a year, here's the Top Ten Reddit Posts of [Insert Reddit User]". Next up is [deleted].

Cake Day

December 25, 2012


10. Dressing room fun

9. Going mild. Happy Thanksgiving (f)

8. After dinner call of duty series :)

7. Dinner is served, where are you ?

6. Dinner is served 😏

5. What you want for dinner, baby?

4. Going out [f]or dinner

3. Panty stuffed and on all fours for you

2. Sitting at dinner, showing off dessert 😘

1. Dressing room escapades are my favorite, plus a lil extra after I got home ;p

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