Thursday, November 11, 2021

Top Ten Reddit Posts Of [deleted] Veteran's Day 2021 Edition

Veteran's Day was the first time I did a post for deleted profiles. I wanted to do a daily deleted profiles post series but I'm too lazy to do that so I did holiday editions instead. This year's Veteran's Day threw me off because the NFL was calling Sunday "Veteran's Day Weekend" when it's actually today on a Thursday. We already know the NFL doesn't really care about Veterans and is only doing this as a marketing gimmick. At least all the proceeds from their Salute To Service line goes to various military charities so that's a positive. Anyways, here's the 2nd annual Veteran's Day Top Ten Reddit Posts of [Insert Reddit User]". Next up is [deleted].

Cake Day

June 28, 2012


10. Army Girl in Iraq

9. PT flash.

8. On/Off Infantry girl.

7. Soldier

6. Cute AF girl nude

5. Australian Army

4. Army chick

3. Just messing around. (F)

2. Fiery red military

1. Sexy Marine Sergeant

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