Saturday, November 14, 2020

I Followed A Republican Playboy Playmate For The Hell Of It.

Back in September, Playboy posted their 20Q they did with WNBA player Liz Cambage of the Las Vegas Aces. Naturally, this intrigued me because let's be honest, many WNBA players wouldn't be Playboy centerfolds under normal circumstances. 

I mocked the story because she brags about being sexually liberated but (I assume) the WNBA made them censor her nipples since a woman's nips are not family friendly and are the work of the devil. (I managed to take advantage of a fuckup on Playboy's end when they posted a uncensored image of her on Twitter when promoting the story. Check it out at the end.)

As I was reading the comments, I see Juliette Fretté isn't too fond of them putting a transwoman in the magazine. (I'm guessing she's talking about Ines Rau.)

So who is this "former feminist" Playboy Playmate anyway? Well, she first appeared in Playboy as Juliette Rose in their Girls of the Pac 10 pictorial in 2005 repping UCLA. She returned in 2006 as January (October?) Coed of the Week and March Coed of the Month and again in 2008 as June Playmate of the Month under her current name Juliette Fretté depite being a feminist. Understandably, people questioned why she's posing for Playboy when feminist are known for being anti-porn calling it degrading, misogynistic and facilitates violence against women. She reasoned that she was working on her Women's Studies honors thesis at UCLA called "Posing for Playboy From a Feminist Perspective: How Media Images Impact Women's Empowerment." She even planned to write a book in order to expand on her thesis upon graduation. But she made that excuse out of "fear of my own judgment" and potential ramifications from the result of it. What happened next showed she was right to be fearful.

Not only were her family and friends angry she posed for Playboy, her sorority Kappa Delta put her on national probation writing that she was not “upholding the standards of the order” in their official letter of condemnation in 2005. It was comical to her that they felt she brought shame to their organization when she served two years on her chapter’s executive board but they had no problems with her sisters getting into all types of "drunken debauchery". So at the last chapter meeting of that school year, her friend cut off the departing seniors' "slurred and rambling speeches of sisterly love", to announce Juliette's upcoming Playboy photoshoot. Knowing her latest appearance will get her kicked out of the sorority house, she triumphantly stripped down to her bra and panties as one last fuck you to their "parochial politics". It was no real loss anyway since she got tired of their bullshit and rarely attended their social events even though she funded them as treasurer.

After graduation, Juliette didn't want to be known as just another busty blonde so she dyed her hair a darker color for a year before finally accepting who she is...a bright big boobed blonde babe. After ending her Playboy modeling career, she got into writing with articles published across multiple websites including Examiner, HuffPost, National Lampoon and Weekly Humorist, as well as a couple art sites like Whitehot Magazine. Along with being a writer, she's also a painter with her artworks available to view on her website. Overall, she was your typical liberal feminist up to around 2017...minus the whole posing nude in Playboy thing. When she did get political, she typically mocked conservatives in her articles with some examples below: 

But it was around 2018 that she renounced being a liberal feminist and became more of a conservative when she started podcasting:

  • In Juliette's first video on her YouTube channel, she challenges White Privilege and calls White guys who apologize or feel guilty about being White "pussies". And if you feel this White girl should stay in her lane and out of discussions about race, she revealed she's part Creole (That explains the French looking last name).
  • She pushed back on the Fat Acceptance Movement which piggybacked on the Body Acceptance Movement. Sure, it's a good thing that women aren't starving themselves in the name of beauty like before but it's been taken to the other extreme where obesity and unhealthy eating habits is deemed as a positive instead of a negative.
  • She called for an end of "victim degrees" because they monetize and perpetuate oppression in order to legitimize the degree. In other words SJWs have to make up oppression in places where it doesn't exist just so their degree will actually have some creditability.
  • She also chatted with her college friend over the things they learned from their Women's Studies degree and how it's all bullshit.
In around April, she softened her stance on Trump due to the biased media blaming him for everything even though he wasn't responsible for much of what they're mad at him for. Finally at the start of the lockdowns, she went full on Trumpian tweeting about Hollywood pedo rings, Qanon, BLM radicals and other Republican talking points. The latest notable thing she posted was the video of her friend being arrested in a store for not wearing a mask. However, the police say she was arrested for Criminal Trespassing...due to her entering the store without a mask. It didn't help matters that protestors were outside blocking the doors at the time.

In summary:

  • Juliette started out as a liberal feminist majoring in Women's Studies at UCLA.
  • Was shunned by her feminist brethren for posing for Playboy during/after college.
  • Became a writer and painter with works published across multiple media partners.
  • Turned her back on the liberal/feminist agenda as they became men-hating, anti-White, hypocritical, victim complex, authoritarian, SJW, cancel culture assholes.
  • She got on the Trump Train as local politicians lockdown the country costing millions of people their jobs, livelihoods, income, home, mental health, etc.

As a Independent, it was interesting to see how a liberal slowly becomes conservative as she gets tired of the woke bullshit. Anyway, since you made it here this far, I'm sure you want more than just her IMDb page or private Instagram account so here's some Playboy pics.

And finally the uncensored Liz Cambage Playboy picture the WNBA didn't want you to see.

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