Thursday, January 20, 2022

Is Affiliate Marketing Right For Me?

You may have noticed that I haven't blogged here or on Cumming Prostates for a couple weeks. Part of it is because I'm busy recording these stats from the FBS Playoffs and getting those posts out on a daily clip before the month runs out. Another reason is because I'm getting into affiliate marketing. A couple weeks ago, I've been getting affiliate marketing ads on YouTube from guys bragging about making $1,200 a week in residual income and you can learn their secrets if you join their workshop class or buy their book. I have AdBlock on one of my browsers but for some reason I can't login to YouTube on it so I have to use a different browser without AdBlock in order to see my subscriptions, save videos, comment etc. That means I get to "enjoy" the (double) unskippable ads, shitty music videos, podcasts I don't care about, 3 hour ads and 15 second ads where the skip button shows up 2 seconds before it ends.

"I'm a business woman with big boobs holding a credit card. Do I have your attention now?"

Anyway, I goggled affiliate marketing to see what it was about since I had a basic knowledge of it. I didn't feel like paying or attending workshops to learn more on how to get into it so I'm thankful I found this guy on YouTube. They were long videos but I managed to get through them and start on my journey of plugging companies on my blog in return of commission. I signed up with different sites and man they wanted to know EVERYTHING about me! Here I was thinking I could just create a username and call it a day but they got me filling out paperwork like I'm applying for a job! I guess it's to keep out the spammers but at least it's free to join.

"I'm so happy to be sitting in front of a sunset with my wireless mouse and brandless laptop."

As I searched for brands, I notice I don't qualify for the majority of them. It's understandable since I'm new at this and I don't have millions of followers. I wish I could use filters so I wouldn't have to scroll past 100 brands that won't give me a chance just to see 2 or 3 who would approve me. And it's tempting to just promote the crap brands and scams that give me a good payday but that would hurt my legitimacy. So I have to research each of these brands and pick the legit ones so in the future, the brands come to me instead of me going to them. It's gonna be hard work but I've been blogging for 2 years now so I rather as well make some income off of it.

"Who's gonna get Doodlejammer to use multiple pics of the same scene for a affiliate marketing posts? This girl!"

BTW, the stock images are from Manuel Alejandro Leon of DigitalMarketingAgency on Pixabay.

"Thank you Manuel for making me a SEO, marketing, synergy, whatever business talk stock photos star!"

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