Tuesday, January 7, 2020

"What's Dat, a new blog? I give it a week"

"Well, Well, Well, who's this hotshot new blogger who thinks he can strike it rich by writing some blurbs? Don't he know it takes DEDICATION! PROMOTION!! And most importantly QUALITY!!! to be a successful blogger? Any yahoo can start a blog and write a couple "funny" lines that him and his dipshit friends will find enjoyable. But the real masters of this art form will look at this puny blog and hold their noses up in disgust!

'This blog won't last.'

'Look at all the errors in the first paragraph!'

'Reading this gave me cancer!'

He's gonna write for like a week, see that no one read his blog, then quit and go work at some entry level job he hate. Seriously, look at the incoherent rambling! It's like he doesn't care, PATHETIC!"

Truth be told, I don't care anymore. For so long I did and said things that were deemed "safe" because I was afraid of offending someone even though it was the truth. Well those days are over. I probably won't get rich quick with this blog and that's fine. Because I'm using this platform to tell it like it is and help guide those who feel no one is listening to them. In other words, this blog is gonna be one big TRIGGER WARNING!!!

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